Chapter 9 Corpse Recoverer

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Lin Yiyi's words made me laugh. Am I shameless? Compared to her, what is my shamelessness? Is there anything more shameless than prostitution in this world?

"What on earth did you do to me? Why... why did I..." Lin Yiyi hesitated, wanting to say something, but she was too embarrassed to say it when the words reached her lips.

"Why do you feel unbearable pain whenever you have sex with a man?"

I looked at her with interest, thinking that there is a price to pay for having sex for free.

Lin Yiyi immediately glared at me angrily and said that it was indeed me. No wonder he couldn't find anything wrong after going to the hospital for a long time.

I chuckled, it seemed that Lin Yiyi had found a new owner again, otherwise she wouldn't have discovered this.

Now that I have found a new benefactor, it means I have money. I quickly reached out and asked her to give me the money. Otherwise, I would never be able to live happily with a man for the rest of my life.

I placed a curse on her photo and used a ghost charm to cast a curse. Whenever she sleeps with a man in the future, she will be in extreme pain. For Lin Yiyi, this should be more painful than death.

Therefore, it is okay to offend anyone, but never offend a Feng Shui master.

The most cruel one I heard is that during the Qing Dynasty, a businessman offended a Feng Shui master. As a result, the Feng Shui master planted seven evil nails on the merchant's ancestral grave. As a result, all three daughters of the businessman were raped and killed by some old men and beggars. His son entered the palace and became a eunuch. , the businessman, his wife, and Gao Tang died of illness one by one, which can be described as tragic.

Lin Yiyi still didn't give me the money. Instead, she scolded me, saying that I was ruining her business. If I hadn't done something wrong, the sponsor's father would have done it last night. Now the sponsor's father thought she was sick, so he quickly Dumped her and broke off the relationship.

After Lin Yiyi scolded me, she threatened me, saying that she would not give me money even if she had money. Hey, it was just for fun. What could I do to her? He said that if I dared to mess with her again, I would never get that money in my life.

As soon as she finished speaking, I immediately slammed the door and closed it.

Good guy, unrepentant! It seems that I need to be a little cruel. After all, you still dare to speak rudely to me and threaten me. Doesn't this little girl know that it is only natural for people to pay you to do things for you?

I took off the photo and the needle and cast the spell again. This time, there was something fun to watch.

It was just painful before, but now, she can no longer find a man. I wonder what she will do.

Lin Yiyi kept yelling outside and kicking the door. It was obvious that I ignored her and left angrily not long after.

I sneered and waited for the drama to unfold later.

There is no good end for those who engage in prostitution for free, and they still dare to act confidently.

After Lin Yiyi left, I had a quick bite. Around noon, someone knocked on the door again. I glanced at the peephole and found that it was a man about twenty years old. He was wearing something strange, like a fisherman's clothes. But It was very clean. After knocking on the door a few times, he waited anxiously, as if there was something urgent.

After I opened the door, I asked him directly what happened and who he was here to see.

The man glanced at me, his face a little pale, as if he had been frightened. He looked me over for a moment before asking: "Is there... any master who can exorcise evil spirits?"

"Yes, I am." I said directly, not beating around the bush with him.

The man looked at my young age and seemed a little unconvinced. He was probably afraid that I was a liar. After all, the word "master" is not something I can memorize at my age. But I seemed to be the only one in the room. He didn't believe me. no.

I smelled him and found that he smelled like corpse, his fingernails were gray, his lips were purple, and his face was pale.

"Have you ever come into contact with a corpse? And it's a problematic corpse?" I asked directly.

The man nodded quickly like a roly-poly and said that I was really amazing. I could guess something before he said anything. He said that his job was to deal with corpses.

There are many jobs that deal with corpses, such as crematoriums, funeral parlors, and hospital morgues, corpse bearers, undertakers, etc.

But this man was wearing clothes similar to those of a fisherman, so he should be the one who fished for corpses.

Corpse harvesting is an ancient profession that is unpopular and somewhat mysterious. The income is not low, but it is very dangerous. You eat the food of the dead.

If it is a normal corpse, then forget it, but if you encounter an evil corpse or a strange corpse, you may never return the corpse. The "things" in the water are more powerful than those on land. You have to have good water properties and be strong, otherwise your body will have to be fished out by others.

"Are you a corpse collector? Do you have any copper coins?" I asked the man.

The man looked at me and immediately guessed his occupation. He felt happy and knew that I had something. He quickly said yes, and then took out a copper coin for me.

The man said that the copper coin was left to him by his uncle. In addition to the copper coin, there was also the address of this place. Before his death, his uncle told him that if he found this place, there would be a master who could solve an evil thing for him.

I took the copper coin into my hand and took a look, and found that there was indeed the word "Su" on it, so he must be one of the destined people. I invited him in, and then asked him what happened to him.

After the man sat down, he sighed, and then suddenly slapped himself in the face, saying that it was all his own fault. He should never have been able to guard his lower body and break the rules.

I was so upset when I heard it. This guy... wouldn't he be so greedy that he would attack a female corpse?

In fact, not only those who retrieve corpses, but also all professions that deal with corpses have rules against desecrating corpses. After all, the deceased is the most important person, so we have to respect the corpse. This rule is very important!

It turns out that I guessed right. This man said his name was Pan Lei. Not long ago, he fished out a beautiful female corpse.

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