Chapter 9

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In the evening of the fifth day of the actual combat exercise, Ning Zhiyu and the others had just eliminated a small group of thirty-two Zerg. They ignored the stumps and broken arms lying on the ground. The exhausted people all sat slumped in an imageless manner. On the ground, even Lanster, who has a little mysophobia, is no exception.

After five days of training, everyone's progress has been very obvious.

From the beginning, when facing ten Zerg, they were still in a hurry, and now they have cooperated tacitly to eliminate the Zerg gang including four E-class. If this was put at the beginning of the exercise, I am afraid everyone would think it was a fantasy, but now, They did it.

But the embarrassment is really embarrassing. The originally neat military uniform is now in tatters. Various unknown liquids have stained the beautiful dark blue with deep and shallow mottles. There is also a cut here and a piece missing there. The sleeves all look like beggars.

Fortunately, if they stay up for one more day, they will be liberated.

Out of the corner of his eye, he caught sight of Lu Hao who was still looking handsome in the distance. Ning Zhiyu felt a little sour in his heart, wondering why he, an Omega, was in such a miserable state, but when he saw Ander beside him, half of his arm was exposed and only one leg of his trousers was left. Lie, he is balanced again.

However, after setting up camp, I still had to find a riverside to wash my face and hands. The Zerg I met today actually sprayed a very foul-smelling mucus, and he had been so smoked that he couldn't breathe since just now.

After a short rest, everyone was ready to leave.

As they entered the depths of the forest, the Zerg that Ning Zhiyu and the others encountered became increasingly difficult to deal with. Often, after the battle, the scene was a mess. The corpses of the Zerg were all torn apart, and there were very few things that could be extracted or reused. There is not much left, so everyone will not waste that energy to clean up the battlefield. Leaving quickly is the right choice.

However, the scope of the battle this time was quite large. Although it was already the time to set up camp in the past, everyone decided to walk a little longer and get farther away before settling down.

It had rained during the day and the ground was a little muddy. Ning Zhiyu was walking silently in the second half of the team. As he walked, he suddenly felt excited.

He was so high in fighting these days that he was so immersed in his increasingly proficient fighting skills that he almost forgot about the plot.

In the original game, just tonight, a group of Zerg will raid their camp.

If it was just a simple raid, Ning Zhiyu would not be so nervous. The point was that there were two mutated E-class Zerg mixed into this group of Zerg.

The First Federal Military Academy, as the top military academy in the Federation, is known as the "officer's dream factory". Almost 95% of the officers in the four major legions graduated from here. Therefore, the federal government's political opponents and the interstellar world Another large system, the Empire, has always wanted to cause some trouble for the First Military Academy.

Obviously, doing something in the military academy's actual combat exercise, secretly mutating a few bugs, and pretending to accidentally kill a few future federal officers is a good deal with a small cost and big rewards.

Once the Zerg mutates, their strength will often increase significantly. Many Zerg will even develop new skills after mutating. This new skill is even more difficult because it is unknown.

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