Chapter 65

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"Well, it's hot." A crying voice sounded in Lu Hao's ears.

He stumbled suddenly, but fortunately he reacted quickly enough and stabilized himself immediately.

Weighing the little man in his arms, he wondered if it was his imagination, but he always felt that Ning Zhiyu seemed a little lighter recently than before.

However, Ning Zhiyu at this time was much more annoying than usual.

Lu Hao shook his head helplessly.

After sighing, Lu Hao calmed down and walked into the room with Ning Zhiyu in his arms.

The quilt was still scattered there in a mess, and he gently placed the person on it. Lu Hao wanted to let go, but Ning Zhiyu still held on to the clothes in front of him tightly and kept mumbling some nonsense. Trying to jump on him.

The milky aroma of cookies has filled the entire room.

While Lu Hao stopped Ning Zhiyu's nonsense, he probed Ning Zhiyu's forehead with the back of his hand.

Sure enough, the body temperature had dropped. Combined with Ning Zhiyu's crying words just now, Lu Hao realized that the first significant rise in temperature after Ning Zhiyu officially entered the febrile fever had ended.

This also means that his first demand stage has officially begun.

Lu Hao pursed his lips nervously.

Even if you are a theoretical scholar, you will feel a little guilty when faced with real practice.

So, what should you do first?

Lu Hao's mind suddenly went blank.


"Hmm." The huge feeling of emptiness in his body made Ning Zhiyu instinctively move towards Lu Hao, but Lu Hao easily blocked him at arm's length.

The delicate white hands were waving wildly, even using both hands and feet, but after working hard for a long time, the distance between the two was still so close and yet so far away.

Unable to get close, Ning Zhiyu's movements caused dense beads of sweat to form on his forehead, and his long-sleeved and long-trousers home clothes aggravated Ning Zhiyu's irritable mood.

Lu Hao looked at his torn and wrinkled clothes and couldn't laugh or cry. He didn't expect that Ning Zhiyu, who was usually so well-behaved, would lose his temper. It was quite cute.

"Damn it~" A coquettish murmur came out from her cherry-red thin lips, and Ning Zhiyu sat on the quilt.

The excessive consumption of human energy made Ning Zhiyu know that he had to rest for a while, even if his consciousness was blurred.

Seeing that Ning Zhiyu stopped messing around and finally returned to his well-behaved appearance, Lu Hao breathed a sigh of relief.

However, when Lu Hao was distracted, Ning Zhiyu stopped tossing him and began to pull at her home clothes.

When Lu Hao came to his senses, what he saw was Ning Zhiyu with his small shoulders exposed.

The excessively fair skin almost dazzled Lu Hao's eyes.

"Damn it." Lu Hao spat softly and quickly looked away.

He who had always remained calm finally lost his composure. His ears started to feel hot and his cheeks were slightly red. Fortunately, Ning Zhiyu was not mentally conscious at this time, otherwise, it would be too detrimental to his glorious and tall image.

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