Chapter 104

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The plot after that is much simpler.

Although Lu Hao has mastered the other party's testimony against Barry, the testimony alone cannot prove that Barry is the mastermind behind everything. Moreover, Barry has been hiding in the Federation for so many years without revealing his flaws, and even "framed" Archie in a very clever way. Boulder, so even if Lu Hao returns to the Federation, he may not be able to find much strong evidence.

Therefore, Lu Hao did not leave the Emperor Star immediately, but lurked down, preparing to start from the Emperor Star, at least until enough evidence was collected before leaving.

Probably because in his base camp, people in the empire were not too vigilant, and Lu Hao easily found the key evidence.

But, maybe it was too smooth before. Just when Lu Hao and Lanny were about to leave, they were discovered.

Lu Hao handed the evidence to Lanny and asked him to hide while he stepped forward to distract the pursuers.

What a familiar routine~

Ning Zhiyu chuckled in his heart.

What made him happy was that Lanny was not the stupid pig teammate in those bloody novels. He did not say "Ah~ I can't leave my teammates alone and I have to find him", and then went back to himself with the evidence that Lu Hao finally found. Instead, after confirming that the crisis was over, they went directly to the gathering place agreed upon by the two of them in case something happened.

Lu Hao was not at the agreed place, but Lanni discovered a string of code words.

The secret code is very short. If you don't understand it, you will just think it is a child's graffiti.

These were some short terms that Lu Hao invented on his own when they were in the military academy. The only people who knew this set of code words were people in their small circle at that time, and after so many years, even Lanni It took me a long time to recall the content of this short string of code words.

The star networks of the Federation and the Empire are independent of each other. Unless it is a processed optical brain like Ferdinand and the others, even if Lanny is on the Emperor Star, the only thing he can access is the Federation's star network, and the speed is extremely slow.

Fortunately, the words translated from this string of code words were really simple, and Lanny finally confirmed that what Lu Hao prompted him was an address.

Lanny cautiously arrived near his destination.

He was indeed cautious and did not take it lightly just because this was the location that Lu Hao reminded him of.

But this is Ferdinand's territory, and it has been locked from the moment he stepped into this area.

Then, this is the current situation.

"Pfft." Ning Zhiyu looked at Lanni's dark face and felt very good.

Although Lu Hao did other things that made him very angry, but he also knew to provide the address of his brother's base, so he could barely forgive him a little.

"So, the admiral is safe, and I'm not talking nonsense." Lanny glared at Lu Hao with a sullen face. "Instead of questioning me here, it would be faster to go find out from your brother."

Even though he said the words "your brother" smoothly, Lanny still felt it was magical.

Back on Planet κ30, he still vividly remembered how Ferdinand "coerced" Ning Zhiyu into becoming a special envoy in front of everyone. Now, he has become his "brother"?

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