Chapter 95

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It had been eight days since we arrived at the capital star. During this period, he was fed by three Alphas in turn. In addition, he spent most of the rest of the day sleeping except for eating. Ning Zhiyu felt that his penis was thicker. , Yue Fubu's belly is even more present.

Ning Zhiyu secretly gave his unborn baby a nickname, called Sleepy.

After landing, the spacecraft slowly entered the capital star's air station along the track.

The last time I came, it was early in the morning, and the airport was very busy. This time I arrived at noon, and it was even more crowded.

In the bedroom of the spaceship, Ning Zhiyu and his son sat side by side on the bed, their eyes uniformly falling on the all-round real-time display on the wall.

"Wow, that spaceship looks like a castle, it's a bit cool!" Ferdinand made a sound of admiration.

"The one with the same Linglong Tower in front has its own personality, okay?" Karl obviously disapproved of his eldest son's aesthetics. He turned his head and tried to seek approval from his younger son, "Xiao Yu, what do you think?"

"Ah?" Ning Zhiyu's eyes were still lingering on the spaceship that looked like a chocolate ball that he had passed by just now. The desire to eat chocolate surged out of his heart like a volcanic eruption, so he didn't even think about it. He didn't notice the conversation between Karl and Ferdinand just now, so he could only smile flatteringly, "Sorry, Dad, what did you just say?"

The way Ning Zhiyu tilted his head and blinked his blue eyes reminded Carl of the chubby little boy deep in his memory. His thoughts were interrupted, and Carl himself forgot what he had just said and shook his head. He once again looked at the passing spacecraft with great interest.

For Karl and Ferdinand, natives of the Empire, the difference between the Federation's spaceships and those of the Empire is too great.

In an empire where imperial power is supreme, spaceships are strictly controlled. Only some people at the top of the power pyramid can have their own spaceships after applying to the emperor. However, their shapes are basically the same, and according to regulations , a huge imperial logo must be painted on the tail wing.

But the Federation's spaceships are completely different. They vary in size and shape. The big ones are like small warships, while the small ones are not much bigger than ordinary aircraft. Their shapes are all kinds of weird. Round, square, etc. are considered normal. They are completely different. Depending on the owner's preference, just now Karl even saw a spaceship that was as green as a cauliflower.

Therefore, as soon as the father and son entered the capital star, they began to observe the passing spaceships with great interest. Not to mention, the viewing experience was really good.

As time passed, Carl and Ferdinand discovered that Lu Hao's spacecraft was going further and further away. More than five minutes later, in confusion, they finally docked in a very remote corner.

"Why did it stop so far away?" Carl asked directly when he saw Lu Hao coming out of the cockpit. He was still hoping to take a close look at those strange-shaped spaceships. There were only two small boats nearby, which was too boring.

The person who asked was Karl, and Lu Hao explained patiently, "The boat seats here are all private, with higher privacy and security. Moreover, Xiao Yu is not suitable to go to places with too many people at the moment. "

After moving out of Ning Zhiyu, Karl was immediately speechless and gave Lu Hao an appreciative look. He immediately turned his head and glared at Ferdinand with disgust, "It's so stained, why don't you help with the luggage."

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