Chapter 106

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Until Brother Lu and Lanny met at the border, there was still no news about Lu Hao.

"I'm going to Emperor Star." During another family video conference, Ning Zhiyu suddenly stood up.

Everyone was stunned, and for a while, the scene fell into silence.

"I want to go to the Emperor Star." Ning Zhiyu repeated again.

"Xiao Yu, you..." Karl's face didn't look good.

"I'm going to find Lu Hao." Ning Zhiyu's eyes were full of determination.

"Have you decided?" Karl asked.

Ning Zhiyu nodded vigorously.

One day has passed before the deadline he set for himself. The pheromone ball left by Lu Hao has faded so much that it can hardly be smelled unless it is brought close to his face. In the past few days, the frequency of fetal movements has changed significantly. It was much lower. Ning Zhiyu knew that he could not delay it any longer.

Karl thought for a second and asked, "Then when are you going to set off?"

"I'm not..." Ning Zhiyu was about to use the words he had prepared, but suddenly realized that Karl was not asking why, and the words stuck in his throat.

Ning Zhiyu suddenly raised his head and looked at Karl in disbelief, "You won't stop me?"

Looking at the other people, whether it was Lu Cheng, Jing Huai, or Ferdinand next to Karl, although everyone's expressions were not particularly good, they didn't seem to want to speak.

He thought he would get everyone's veto, but to his surprise, no one stopped him.

"If we don't let you go, will you give up?" Karl couldn't laugh or cry.

"No." Ning Zhiyu shook his head.

"Then since the results are the same, why not just skip that step?" Karl said, looking calm and composed as if he had already guessed it.

Ning Zhiyu: What you said makes sense. I can't refute it. But, are you really not going to follow the routine?

"I would be surprised if you really stayed at home and waited," Carl said with a proud smile, "We, the men of the Dufferin family, never back down."

Ning Zhiyu: You may have some misunderstandings about me... But at this time, Ning Zhiyu will not be stupid enough to discuss with Carl what kind of character the men in the Dufferin family are.

After the two of them had finished, Ning Zhiyu turned his head and looked at Jing Huai, who was sitting next to him.

Don't the people of the Lu family also struggle a little? I want to take the first precious grandson of their generation on an adventure!

Receiving Ning Zhiyu's gaze, Jing Huai smiled softly, "You are going to report to the training room every day these days. You don't think we don't know about it, do you?"

Ning Zhiyu, who thought he was hiding it well, really thought that no one in the Lu family knew about it. Otherwise, why would no one stop him?

Jing Huai patted the back of Ning Zhiyu's hand tenderly, "Actually, your father and I have been worried about you going secretly by yourself. I'm very happy that you are willing to ask our opinion."

"You can go if you want. We will make other arrangements for you. If you find that kid Lu Hao, remember to give him a good beating." Lu Cheng said next to him.

"Thank you everyone, I will definitely take care of myself and my sleep." Ning Zhiyu felt warm in her heart.

Ning Zhiyu's travel plan has been put on everyone's agenda ever since he went to the training room, the first day Lu Hao disappeared.

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