Chapter 105

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The news of Lu Hao's disappearance quickly reached the Lu family.

Jing Huai hurried back home as soon as he finished the lecture. When he found Ning Zhiyu taking a nap in the sunroom on the second floor, he gave him a big hug and said, "Don't worry, Xiaoyu, that kid is being naughty. He's definitely not going to do it." Something will happen."

Ning Zhiyu was still dazed when he was pulled into a warm embrace. He was stunned for a while before he realized what was happening. He hugged Jing Huai back, hid the emotions in his heart, and said calmly, " Don't worry, mom and dad, I'm fine."

Jing Huai carefully looked at Ning Zhiyu's expression and saw that he was really not overly worried. He felt relieved after worrying all the way.

During dinner, Lu Cheng and Brother Lu, who had been arriving home very late, also appeared at the table on time.

During dinner, three pairs of eyes glanced at Ning Zhiyu from time to time, which made him very stressed. Fortunately, he was active enough during the day that it did not affect his appetite.

Seeing that Ning Zhiyu's appetite had not diminished, the three members of the Lu family breathed a sigh of relief.

After dinner, Lu Cheng called everyone to his study.

This was the first time Ning Zhiyu entered Lu Cheng's study. Surprisingly, the style of Lu Cheng's study was completely different from what he had imagined.

He originally thought that for a big shot in the military like Lu Cheng, the study room would be mainly dark gray or brick red, but unexpectedly it was a bright light cream color. There were bookcases that took up an entire wall, but there were There are three rows of books on cooking.

Lu Cheng has never disappointed anyone when it comes to surprising Ning Zhiyu.

"Xiao Yu, sit down." Lu Cheng gave up his very comfortable sofa chair and gave Jing Huai the only chair in the study. He and Boss Lu were left standing.

Ning Zhiyu wanted to refuse, but was pushed directly onto the chair. Sleeping sleep happened to move in his stomach, making him startled for a moment, and he just missed the best opportunity to stand up.

"Okay, we're all here." Lu Cheng stood next to Jing Huai and turned on his optical brain.

Soon, the three-party meeting started. Here are the four people at the main house of the Lu family. On the left is Lu Luojun from the Fourth Army, and on the right are Karl and Ferdinand who are far away on the Emperor Star.

When the video mode is fully turned on, the scene will look like everyone is in the room.

High technology is really a bit magical, Ning Zhiyu secretly thought.

"How is the situation?" Lu Cheng spoke first, asking about Karl and Ferdinand who were on the Emperor Star.

Ferdinand shook his head with a dark face, "Except for finding the traces left by Obsidian at the scene, there are no useful clues. What is certain is that there is no wanted or search order issued there, and there is no search order on the entire Emperor Star. The anomaly, for the time being, should not be exposed."

Knowing that everyone's attention was partly on him, Ning Zhiyu hinted in his heart not to be too nervous, but the excessively tight back still betrayed his emotions.

Jing Huai gently held Ning Zhiyu's fisted hand. Although it was just a small gesture, it did play a very good role in relieving Ning Zhiyu.

Smiling lightly at Jinghuai, Ning Zhiyu continued to listen attentively to everyone's exchange of news.

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