Chapter 46

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"Sorry, I have a sudden mission. The vegetable porridge is in the incubator, you can eat it when you take it out. The permissions of the training room have been opened, please pay attention to your own safety."

As soon as Ning Zhiyu woke up the next day, a message from Lu Hao popped up on his computer.

"Please pay attention to your safety and look forward to returning." Ning Zhiyu sent a message back.

But I don't know if it was because the signal where Lu Hao went was not good, so he didn't wait for a response for a long time.

Ning Zhiyu rolled around on the bed. He originally wanted to go back to sleep, but his stomach was already grumbling in protest, so he could only get up from the bed with a jerk.

After washing up, Ning Zhiyu opened the door. The empty living room made Ning Zhiyu a little uncomfortable.

The vegetable porridge in the insulator was still hot, and a bottle of milk was left next to it in a "Lu Hao-style" manner. Ning Zhiyu scooped up a bowl of porridge, and sat down at the dining table with the bowl in one hand and the milk in the other.

The vegetable porridge seemed to have been improved by Lu Hao, and it tasted a bit more delicious than yesterday. However, Ning Zhiyu, who was obviously very hungry, surprisingly had no appetite. It took him a long time to finish the vegetable porridge, but the milk was I can't drink anymore.

Putting the bowl in the dishwasher, Ning Zhiyu took the remaining milk and nestled into the sofa.

It's obviously the same decoration, but Lu Hao is missing. Why does it feel empty?

Ning Zhiyu stared blankly at the wall of the living room, not knowing what to do for a moment.

Fortunately, Ning Zhiyu did not feel depressed for long, because soon he received a video communication application.

The applicant, Alice, was the cute girl with burgundy twintails who sat next to him at the celebration.

After drinking the last sip of milk, Ning Zhiyu wiped the corners of his mouth to make sure there was no milk left before connecting the communication.

"Xiao Yuyu! Have you missed me?" As soon as the communication was connected, Alice's energetic voice came out.

Infected by Alice's emotions, Ning Zhiyu's disappointment just now faded by more than half. She hadn't seen Alice for a few days, but she was still so lively.

Ning Zhiyu smiled and waved to the girl on the screen, "I miss you, do you miss me~"

"I think, I think I am super invincible, I think so!" The girl stretched out her arms and made a big circle. It seemed that she felt it was not enough. She also stood up and swayed left and right, making the circle even bigger.

"Yeah, I miss you so much too!" Ning Zhiyu was so cute that his face was bloody, and he also made a big circle gesture.

"Keke~" Alice covered her face and fell to the side with laughter.

The two of them were going back and forth like crazy, and Alice finally remembered the business, "By the way, Xiao Yuyu, my idiot brother is going to your place these days, and I asked him to bring you a gift. , you remember to collect it!"

"On my side?" Ning Zhiyu was slightly startled. After all, it involved the military, so when he left the capital star, he only told Alice that he was going back to school. Wasn't this a misunderstanding? "But I Not on β511..."

"What is β511?" Alice tilted her head. Obviously the problem of the star field was a bit complicated for her who had lived on the capital star since she was a child. She looked around and suddenly had an idea, "Xiao Yuyu, wait a moment."

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