Chapter 52

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Ning Zhiyu lay on the bed and tossed and turned for a long time, unable to guess whether Lu Hao knew or not.

If you don't know, why would you give away such a rare Huyi breath stone as soon as you say it? If you know, they had just met for the first time at that time. Isn't it too soon to send this?

The troubled Ning Zhiyu habitually took out Lan Yao's mecha key necklace from Yue Jiqian's clothes, put it in his hand and played with it.

Looking at the translucent blue ball in his hand, Ning Zhiyu suddenly paused.

So what if Lu Hao knew or not? The stone has been given to him, the mecha has been collected, and all aspects have been arranged properly by Lu Hao.

Why should he speculate on the other party's sincerity? Isn't what Lu Hao did enough to prove his attitude?

After figuring out this key point, Ning Zhiyu suddenly felt that his heart was bright.

So, he resumed his usual schedule, taking nutritional supplements for dinner, drinking a glass of milk, taking a bath, and then lying in bed to review theoretical knowledge.

However, until before going to bed today, Ning Zhiyu did not receive a safety message from Lu Hao. Instead, he received a notification text message from Claude.

'New round of dispatch operation notice: We will gather at No. 4 dock in the connecting area at 8 o'clock tomorrow morning. This rotation period is 2 weeks. Please confirm the reply when you receive it. '

I report for internship today and will be dispatched the next day. Isn't this too efficient? Moreover, why don't you give the newcomer a hint as to what exactly this expatriate job does and what preparations are needed?

Ning Zhiyu endured the complaints in his heart and replied "received", then opened the internal forum that Qiao showed him in the afternoon, intending to check what this expatriate was.

But just when he entered "外", David's video call request suddenly popped up on the screen.

Ning Zhiyu answered the request without hesitation.

"Xiao Yuyu, I heard that your team will be sent out tomorrow?" David's anxious voice came out as soon as the video was connected.

...Why did the news of the notification he just received reach David?

Ning Zhiyu's head was full of dark things, but when he thought about the super gossipy internal forum, he realized that it seemed that the information network of the Fourth Army was extraordinary.

There was no need to hide this kind of news, so Ning Zhiyu nodded generously.

Thinking of the identity of the opponent, General Lu Luojun's adjutant, Ning Zhiyu suddenly had an idea.

Why do you go to the internal forum to search for information? Isn't this the ready-made candidate in front of you to solve your doubts? You can just ask David directly.

Ning Zhiyu asked as he wanted to, "David, what is this expat?"

David was slightly startled, "Huh? Claude didn't tell you?"

Then he immediately showed a disgusted expression, "Tsk tsk, why did Lu Hao let Claude lead you? I remember Myron is also at the base. Although sometimes he is a bit verbose, he is better than Claude after all." You must be reliable."

Ning Zhiyu did not answer. He did not question Lu Hao's choice. Since Lu Hao asked him to follow Claude, he must have his reasons, but he would not refute David. After all, David also had his own considerations.

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