Chapter 141 - Playful

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Lily's POV

"I'm not sick!"

"Yes, you are!" I reply with a laugh. "Now stop whining and take the medicine. We need to get your fever down."

As soon as we had come home last night, he went straight to bed. I didn't think that it was because he was getting sick. He didn't even remember the fact that I promised him a shower kiss.

I stand beside the bed as he lies underneath the covers. I had woken up this morning feeling Harry extremely hot and covered in sweat. It was a struggle to wake him up and even when I did, he was completely drowsy and struggled to stay awake.

I had taken his temperature and once I saw how high it was, I quickly got out of bed to look through his medicine cabinet and, now, here we are.

He grumbles as he sits up and takes the two pills from me. He pops them into his mouth and I hand him a glass of water. He washes the pills down in two big gulps before I take the glass back from him and place it on the bedside table as he lies back down.

I sit on the edge of the bed beside him and take the cool washcloth I had grabbed from the bathroom and carefully wipe it across his face. His eyes flutter shut but then I see him shiver and pull the blanket tighter around him.

"I'm so cold," he stutters.

I feel so helpless. I wish there was something I could do. I hate seeing him like this.

"I know, baby. I'll get you another blanket but you need to tell me if you get too hot because it could make things worse. Okay?"

All he does is nod, not even opening his eyes.

I leave the room and walk down the hall to the linen closet. I grab two of his thickest blankets and bring them back to Harry. I take one of them and place it over him, tucking him in carefully before I sit back on the edge of the bed beside him.

I watch his shallow breaths and his constant shivers and I just want to cry. He was worried about me getting sick from staying at our spot too long but now he's the one that's gotten sick. I just hope it won't get worse.

I take the rag and rinse it in the basin of lukewarm water and wipe it across his face again, cleaning up the sweat. I rinse the rag one more time before I fold it up and place it on his forehead.

I brush my fingers through his hair, pulling away the hair that had matted onto his skin from the excess sweat.

I know that he needs to eat something so I decide to make him soup. I carefully stand up from the bed but I barely take a step when Harry grabs my hand.

"Where are you going?" he says weakly. "Stay."

I sit back down and brush my fingers through his hair again, watching his eyes open slightly.

"I'm just going to make you some soup, okay? You need to eat something."

He shakes his head slowly. "No. I'm okay. Just stay with me."

I smile at his stubbornness. "I'll be really quick. Just try and sleep and I'll come back up once it's finished."

I can tell he's struggling to keep his eyes open. At least it means that he'll eventually go to sleep.

"I'll be right back, okay?"

He only mumbles in response, which I take as a 'yes', as he finally closes his eyes and settles back on the pillow.

I quietly but quickly walk out of the room, not risking Harry persuading me into staying. I walk downstairs and to the kitchen, heading straight to the pantry to look for anything that can make soup.

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