Chapter 6 - The Secret Spot

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Harry's POV

The feeling of her lips on mine lingered as I drove away from Ed's flat. The look of confusion and then hurt on Lily's face before I walked away from her is all I can see in my head as I drove home.

The second our lips touched, it was like my whole body was on fire, I felt alive. I knew that her sudden decision to kiss me was partly due to the fight she had with Ed but the feeling I got from kissing her was enough to overtake my thoughts. But then thinking about the fight made me think about the consequences of kissing her. I didn't want to get in the middle of her and Ed's friendship. And I promised him that I would keep things between me and Lily as friends.

That's why I stopped the kiss. That's why I walked away without an explanation.

But I would do anything to kiss her again.

I need to talk to her about this. But what do I say to her?

I was obviously kissing her back so she must know, or at least think, that there's something between us.

But I have no idea the reason behind her decision to kiss me. Did she kiss me because she likes me? Did she do it to spite Ed?

No, she wouldn't do that.

So she must have feelings for me, too.

At least, I hope she does.

I need to talk to her. I need to know why she kissed me and I need to know how she feels about me. Hopefully, she likes me back.

I finally admitted it to myself. I like her.

And right now, my promise to Ed is being kept in the back of my mind right now. I can't help how I feel and I know I'll regret it if I don't do something about it.

First step is talking to her.

But now I'm nervous because I basically ran away after our kiss. She must think I'm an ass for doing that.

I can't leave things how it is. I need to apologize and explain to her what happened.

Once I parked in my driveway, I pulled out my phone and called her, nervously waiting for her to pick up.

Lily's POV

I collapsed on my bed and closed my eyes, trying to clear my thoughts. Ed left to get some food after we talked and now here I am on my bed trying to make sense of everything that's happened.

The thought that's being overpowering every other thought is the kiss.

The kiss was indescribable and it made me feel alive again. After being in this post-breakup depression state, I was starting to feel again. But did I just start feeling something from the kiss or did it start from before? From when we first hung out.

I guess I didn't realize it then but spending time with Harry brought me out of my funk and I was starting to be happy again.

I know it seems like I got over the breakup pretty fast but I guess when you're cheated on and you meet someone like Harry, it doesn't matter.

I like Harry, I really do but I can't help thinking about how it'll come in between him and Ed. They're best friends and I don't want it to ruin their friendship.

I groaned at my dilemma and covered my face with a pillow.

I was stuck in between following my heart and being happy again or putting Ed and Harry's friendship in front of everything.

Before a debate started in my head, I heard my phone ring.

I whipped the pillow off of my head and sat up and grabbed my phone.

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