Upa x Reader: My Story

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"Hey Upa!" A girls voice caught his attention.

"Huh? What is it (Y/n)? I'm trying to meditate." Young 8 year old Upa turns towards his friend, (Y/n) (L/n).

"Again? That's all you ever do Upa." You pout.

"I know. I need to practice that's why." Upa goes back to meditating. When meditating, it needs to be silent and peaceful. Sadly with you, that doesn't exist in your world.

"Are you done yet?" You poke him. Upa tries to ignore it but he ends up getting irritated.

"Would you stop!" He yells at you. You back away, a bit afraid now.

"S-sorry. I'm gonna go home now." You hide your face with your hair and run off in the direction of your home.

"Finally." Upa sighs.

It's been hours. Upa stayed at that one place-the schools play ground-for hours to meditate. Their was no school today so that's why he decided to go practice their. Finally, he decided to call it a day and head home so his folks don't worry too much.

When Upa got home, everything was normal. A typical day with his family. The next day though, when school started for the week, (Y/n) wasn't their.

A week passed and she hasn't been showing up at school at all. Finally after having enough of his friends absence, he goes towards her house.

"Oh h-hello Upa. Please come in." (Y/n)'s mother opens the door, letting him in. Upa didn't say anything but he did notice the puffy red eyes of his friends mother.

"Would you like some cookies?" The kind woman asks.

"I thought (Y/n) doesn't like it when people eat her cookies?" Upa asks as he sits at the table in the kitchen.

At the mention of (Y/n), her mother started letting out sobs. Sobs then led to full out crying. Upa, didn't know what to do, left as soon as he could.

''Weird." He says to himself as he heads home. He'll just try again tomorrow. This time he'll try talking to (y/n)'s dad.


It's been 10 years since then. 10 years since the day his best friend suddenly vanished.

"Today marks 10 years (Y/n)." Upa leans down as he speaks to a flower.

He received weird and worried looks from a few guards and inmates but he didn't pay attention to them.

He knows you liked flowers. You always said that the day you die, you hope to blossom again into a flower. And if that flower dies, it will blossom into another one elsewhere.

"I wonder which one is you." Upa stands up as he looks around at the small amount of flowers their are in building 5's training area.

"I wonder if you're even here." He mumbles.

Regret and guilt made it's way into Upa's chest. He regrets that the last time he saw you, he yelled. He feels guilty for just letting you walk home alone. You didn't know where home was. Upa always guided you home. Your sense of direction was never the best. So Upa guided you a lot. Going home, going to school, the park, hallways at school; he always guided you.

"I'm so sorry." Upa looks down in an attempt to hide his eyes. His eyes start getting glossy.

After that day, 10 years ago, you just vanished. No one knew where you were or what happened. Some say you got kidnapped, some say you got lost, some say you were abducted by aliens. Ok so that last one was a lie. That's just what people told Upa when he was small.

"Hey no.58! Let's go!" Samon calls for him. He guesses it's time for lunch.

"Right." Upa calls back with a voice crack. It went noticed but no one bothered. That's something Upa hated about these people. No one took the time to hear his story.

"I wish you were here. Then that way, you could listen to my story." Upa says quietly as he walks along side with the other inmates of building 5.

A breeze of wind flowed through the spring air. It was a bit of a powerful gust of wind. Before Upa could walk through the door to head inside to get changed to his normal attire then head to the mess hall, out of the corner f his eye, a beautiful (f/f) dances with the wind.

"That's you.....isn't it?" Upa smiles as he watches the flower dance around in the wind.

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