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I can't believe that just happened.

Like-what the actual fuck?

Can somebody please tell me that shit just didn't happen?

I lost my fucking...


And the second day, I just got them, Aunt Rena is going to kill me, fuck.

"Lola, do you have my backup glasses that I left at your house on you perhaps?" I turned my head and asked a shocked Lola whose mouth was hanging wide open.

I looked all the way around and saw nothing but blurry figures from far away as I heard the sound of the gym door being open back up and closed.

"Lola!" I screamed in her ear and she jumped and looked at me crazily before quickly handing me something and I gladly accepted it in my hands as I looked down and saw it was my Burgundy glasses she gave to me.

"Thank you" I told her and soon put them on as I pushed the glasses up the brim of my nose.

"What happened to your contacts?" She inquired.

"Uhhh they must of fell off when I punched Elgin because they were on my fingertips when I gave him that right hook and I was just about them in too before he had to be knocked down a few sizes because he was messing with my baby daddy" I explained to her as I brung my right hand up and saw nothing making me come to a confirmation that I offically lost another pair of contacts once again.

"Soooo after you knocked Elgin out and DeVante walked right pass you, you couldn't see really far away and stuff?" Lola suggested.

"Why, yeah Lola" I giggled at her.

The bell soon rung loudly as we soon told each other a quick goodbye as I ran toward the gym door almost heading out it but not before getting knocked down alongside another body.

I felt my body collide with another one as I hissed because I literally bump heads with the person.

I opened one eye and saw it was K-Ci who was howling in pain as he held his head.

"She tryna to murder me!" K-Ci rolled around on the floor as I quickly got off of him and shook my head at him as I ran down the hall trying to get to class on time.

"Please, bell don't ring on me!" I shouted while panting constantly as I nearly leaped into the classroom as the bell rung on me but the classroom door was quickly shut making me mentally cuss as my body slammed into it, sliding down as I fell on the floor, hissing.

"Well that was an epic fail" I heard a masculine voice behind me immediately recognizing it as K-Ci's.

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