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"Y'all didn't find K, yet?" I asked as Dalvin and Jojo shook their heads 'no' as we were now in the gym.

"Nah, we checked everywhere and including asking all his old hoes but they didn't know where he was at" Dalvin shrugged his shoulders slightly as he frowned.

"I'm worried about him, I mean what she said cut real deep into him" Jojo spoke as Dalvin and I nodded in agreement.

"That bitch needs to get popped in the mouth for that shit" I grumbled in annoyance of even speaking about her.

"Hey, you guys still didn't find K-Ci?" All of sudden Dominic makes his way towards us with his pager in his hand.

"Nah, not yet" I spoke up.

"Bummer, well I paged him like over a hour ago and he still didn't respond, we might need to call the police because I feel like K-Ci is missing" Dominic scratched the back of his neck.

"Now, Dominic I don't think K will just-ya know get away from everything and everybody" I spoke uneasily thinking of the possibility that K-Ci would actually run away from his friends or family or do something even worse and unimaginable to happen to towards him.

"I know it's hard to imagine but it's been like after 11 since he stormed out the cafeteria and now it's 2:05 and he still hasn't shown up, I'm not trying to put anything into your head about my theories of him running away but I'm just saying like ya know-what if?" Dominic pursued his lips and curled his eyebrows up.

"That's preposterous Dominic, look K will show up any second now at that door and will be acting like his crazy ass self in no time" I waved him off.

"Okay, I'll take your word for it" And as soon as he said that the door of the gym swung opened and there was
K-Ci and...

"Naomi?" I muttered under my breath, confused as Dalvin and Jojo ran over to him attacking him with a big hug ass following by Naomi moving out the way of the crossfire of the big bear hug.

"You were right DeVante, I need to think like you and focus on the positive and not the neg-" Dominic started to speak.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah-yada-yada whatever Dominic, now move out my way" I shut him out as I made my way brushing past him over to K-Ci and Naomi as Jojo and Dalvin were talking their ears off.

"Where, were you K-Ci?" Dalvin asked.

"I was at the school garden ya know over by the use to be band room" He informed us.

"I was so worried-" Jojo soon stopped and noticed Dalvin and I staring at him.

"I mean we were so worried about you K, we thought you ran off or something" Jojo told his eldest brother.

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