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"Naomiーstop it" Dominic stirred in his sleep from me hugging his bareless torso.

"Dominic, why are you acting so hostile towards me? Did I do something wrong?" I inquired trying to figure out exactly why Dominic started acting cold towards me after the fight with DeVante.

"Hostile? Naomi, I think you are reading to much into thisーjust go to sleep" Dominic yawned but I knew it was fake as fuck.

I quickly got up and turned on the light to the deluxe hotel room that all the basketball players were assigned to as the coolness of my nightgown pang against my bronze skin.

"Why do you got these lights on for? I'm trying to sleep" Dominic groaned loudly as he sat up on the bed as the covers fell from his chest whilst still covering his lower half from my view as he stares at me with annoyance.

"Because I feel like you are just throwing me aside like something you already had before and found no more joy in" I told him a matter-of-factly as he just stared at me with his vehement hazel eyes that held a dark outlining of his irises that threw me for a loop as if he didn't give a damm about anything at this particular moment which frighten me to say the least.

"Well, I'm sorry if you feel that wayーtoots" He shurgged his shoulders as he put the covers over his head as I looked at him just stunned at his stale response to me almost as if I was nothing to him.

Not giving up, I made my way towards him as my hands reach out and snatched the covers all the way off of his body as he looks up at me with much dreariness.

"What the hell is your problem, Dominic?" I asked as his eyes burned a hole through me as if he was trying to throw flame to my whole being igniting it with such delight.

"You're funny Naomi, get in the bed and go to slー"

"No, not until you tell meーwhat is wrong with you" I protested.

"Suit yourself, but that's you waiting all night for a reply to your question" Dominic grumbled as he reached over and grabbed the remote off the nightsand on his side as the lights flickered off as I was standing in pure darkness.

"This muthafucka" I spoke under my breath as I maneuvered my way to the the nightstand as I felt around and found the remote as I luckily pressed the right button on the first try as the lights turned right back on for me.

"Naomi, turn the damn lights off" He got up from the bed as the sheets fell off his body to the floor as his upper half glistened underneath the shinning cascade of decorated lights as his lower half was cover with grey gym shorts.

"I don't have to do shit until you talk to me like you got some damn sense and stop replying with a smart ass statement" I told him as I pointed my finger at his face connecting it with his forehead as my jaw clenched with no effort at all as his height towered against my own short stature.

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