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Emma: Regina

Emma: Regina

Emma: R

Emma: E

Emma: G

Emma: I

Emma: N

Emma: A

Emma: Hello? Are you cheating on me?!

Regina: Sorry, I was sorting your son out

Emma: Our son 😐

Regina: He's yours when he's misbehaving

Emma: What did he do?

Regina: He brought a ducking duck in the house!

Emma: Oh for ducksake 🙄

Regina: I meant ducking

Regina: Ducking!

Regina: DUCKING!!

Emma: Yeah I get it, it was a duck.

Regina: No I'm trying to say ducking but it keeps changing it to ducking!

Regina: DUCK!!

Emma: Yes you've mentioned it was a duck

Regina: F u c king. He brought a f u c king duck in the house

Emma: Y'know, I'd love to duck you

Regina: 😑

Emma: I wanna make you quack

Regina: I'm filing for a divorce

Emma: Oh come on! I can make you quack so loud. Like this!

Regina: I'm seriously married to a ducking child

Emma: Regina 😭😭

Regina: What?

Emma: Quack quack

Regina: Your stuff will be outside when you come home

Emma: No wait I'm sorry

Regina: Goodbye Ms Swan.

Emma: Oh for ducksake

Regina: Just kidding, I love you 😘😘😘

Emma: Duck you

Regina: Yes please 😘😘😘

A/N: Based on real life events that include my good friend EvilRegal10lp!

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