The Affair

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They didn't mean to fall in love. They didn't want to hurt her family. Ever since Emma Swan walked into Regina's Mills's life, she felt so much attraction, so much lust and desire for the from out of town blonde. As they got to know eachother, spend time with eachother, as Emma got to know Regina's eleven year old son...All the attraction, all the lust, all the desire turned into one thing. Love.

The only problem was, Regina couldn't be with Emma. She was married. Her parents wouldn't accept her being with Emma. She found out the hard way that her parents didn't approve of her being with another woman. They were fine if it wasn't anyone else. They even had gay friends...They just didn't want their daughter to be gay.

Emma couldn't be with Regina because she couldn't bare the thought of being the reason, Henry didn't have both of his parents living together. She didn't want Henry to hate her or his Mother. She had no family of her own. Henry and Regina were the closest thing she had, and she did not want to lose them.

But soon, their feelings got too strong for them to handle and it wasn't long before the first time they had slept together. Then the next day, when Robin left for work it happend again. And again. And again. The affair went on for months...Emma had enough sneaking around. She didn't care about Robin, she saw the bruies. She knew the story. She had lived the same story. She needed to get Regina and Henry out of there, so she drove to the familiar house.

Upon exiting her car, Regina opened the front door. Emma smiled as she saw the woman she was in love with.


"What are you doing here Emma?"

"I can't do it anymore. I don't want to sneak around. I want to be yours. I want you to be mine. We've talked about this before. I'm ready, if you are."

"No Emma. No I am not ready. I never will be ready. I'm married. Happily I might add."

"Bullshit Regina. Where is all of this coming from? Last night you told me you love me and that what you wanted was for me, you and Henry to be a family."

"Things change. Feelings change, Emma."

Emma could feel a lump in her throat forming as Regina stood there, breaking off what they had.

"I don't want you. I don't want this anymore, so I suggest you get in your car and you leave this town. Because if you don't, I will destroy you if it's the last thing I do. Goodbye Miss Swan." Regina turned around and began to walk back inside.

Emma just stood there, shocked and heartbroken.

"Do you love him?" Emma asked, trying not to cry.

Regina turned around and gave Emma a confused look. "Excuse me?"

"Do you love him?" Emma repeated.

"Of course I love him." Regina answered before entering her house.

Slammed the door shut and let the tears fall freely as she kept her hands on the door.

"See? That wasn't so hard was it? Now, your parents will never know and it'll be our little secret. Everyone makes mistakes and I forgive you." Robin said as he wrapped his arms around his wife from behind and gently kissed her neck before roughly pushing against the door. "But if you ever, and I mean EVER, decide to see that blonde or have an affair with anyone again, I will kill you."

"What are you doing to Mom?"

Robin quickly let go of Regina and she turned around, wiping her eyes.

"You hurt her again, didn't you?" Henry asked as he ran down the stairs and ran to his Mother, wrapping his arms around her. "I hate you. I wish I didn't have a Dad. I wish I had two Moms. I wish Emma was my Mom."

Robin raised his fist to hit Henry and as Henry flinched, he didn't feel his Father's fist land on him. Instead there was a loud thud and Emma was standing over Robin as he clutched his face.

"Emma." Regina gasped.

"I told you, I always know when someone's lying. It's my super power." She shrugged.

Henry let go of Regina and walked to Robin and began to angrily kick him.

"I hate you! I hate you!"

Tears began to pour from Henry's eyes as Emma wrapped her arms around the child's body and pulled him away.

Robin slowly stood up and glared at the blonde. "Your parents won't be happy about this." He spat at Regina.

"I don't care. Tell them. Tell the whole world. It won't stop me loving Emma. It won't stop us from being a family."

Emma felt her heart melt as she looked at the woman she loved. Sure, it came from an affair which wasn't the greatest thing to do...But in the end she finally got her family. In time, Regina's parents did find out, they weren't happy at first but when they saw how loving Emma was and how happy she made Regina and Henry, they soon grew to accept it.

It wasn't long before Emma and Regina were married and had their own baby on the way. Their little family was complete and that was all Emma had wanted.


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