Part 2: How We Met (Part 3).

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Once we get into the cab I'm sitting on his lap which is very comfortable and my legs are laying long ways on the seat.

As my head continues to lay on his shoulder more tears continue to fall.

???: "Why are you crying?"

Me: "Why do you care you don't know me."

???: "That doesn't matter to me I want to know why you're crying.

Me: "Because I'm in alot of pain.."

???: "I guess you are you probably broke your foot and ankle."

As I'm crying I feel his beautiful hand on my face and he's wiping my tears away with his thumb.

Which makes a small smile appear on my face because of how sweet he's being to me.

As I'm smiling I see a glow in his eyes that tells me he's happy.

Which has me wondering why because we don't know each other.

???: "You're finally smiling."

Me: "N-No I'm not what are you talking about?"

???: "Don't deny it."

Me: "Who said I was?"

???: "You did just now."

Me: "oh..Why does it matter that I'm smiling anyway.."

???: "Because you haven't smiled since we met I was starting to wonder if you ever do smile.."

Me: "I do smile I just tend not to smile so often.."

???: "Why though you have a beautiful smile."

Me: "You're only saying that to be nice I know you hate me."

???: "That's not true I don't hate you."

Me: "There you go again.."

???: "What am I doing?"

Me: "saying nice things to me because you know that's what I want to hear."

As I am saying this I feel the cab come to a sudden stop as the cab driver slams on the breaks causing me to meet this mysterious person's lips with mine.

As this is happening I instantly pull away not looking at him because I'm so embarrassed.

Me: "I-I'm s-so s-sorry.."

???: "It's okay I understand you didn't mean it."

Me: "I-I d-didn' was the cab drivers FAULT!"

Once I say this I give the cab driver the evil eye and he just smirks at me in the mirror.

Cab driver: "The pleasure is all mine..Now get out of my cab I have things to do and places to go."

The time I was in love with him now I'm married to him.Where stories live. Discover now