Part 23: In A Rush (Part 2).

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~The Next Day~

[Sun. August 19th 2018]


~Meanwhile with Me & My Fiance~

[Still] ~ My Pov:

As I see Kookie talking to Yoongi he suddenly gets up off of the bed looking at me and his dad as Yoongi follows right behind him.

Kookie: "Dad aren't you suppose to be heading to your appointment?"

Tae: "Yeah but I had to tell your mom bye first.

Kookie: "Well tell her bye so we can go you don't want to be late for this appointment."

Tae: "Son that's no way to talk to your mom tell her your sorry."

As I'm standing here in My Fiance's arms and hear his conversation with our son I decide to speak up.

Me: "No it's fine he doesn't need to apologize he's right you have an appointment to go to I shouldn't stop you from going."

Kookie: "See mom understands I don't need to apologize."

Tae: "No your going to apologize because she doesn't feel good and you shouldn't be treating your mother this way."

As I hear the way our son is talking to his dad and to me I feel like breaking down.

Because he has never acted like this and I don't know what to do or say without him getting smart or saying something mean.

So as I hear this conversation between them I leave My Fiance's arms and head to our bathroom not saying a word.

As I'm going to the bathroom I hear a familar voice call for me.

Tae: "Baby where are you going?"

As I hear him say this I don't say anything and I just lock myself in our bathroom.

While I'm in the bathroom I sit in front of the bathroom door with my head in my knees and I just break down not caring if anyone hears me.

Tae: "Baby please answer me.."

As I hear the worry in his voice I decide not to answer and I just let the tears fall which is something I've been doing since I got here.

But as I'm crying I get my phone out of my sweatpants pocket and I check the time and it's going on 4:11 PM.

As I see that it's almost time for his appointment I decide to text him so he doesn't see me crying.


~[My Text to My Fiance]~

My contact name in his phone is My Baby and his contact name in my phone is the same.

My Baby: I love you please don't be late for your appointment.

The time I was in love with him now I'm married to him.Where stories live. Discover now