Part 28: Going to the Hospital (Part 6).

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~The Next Day~

[Sun. August 19th 2018]


~A Few Minutes Later~


[Still] ~ My Pov:

While My Fiance and I are sitting here in a beautiful silence it quickly ends when we hear a door open which gets our attention.

Nurse: "Mrs.Taehyung"

Once she says this I lift my head up and look at My Fiance.

Me: "Really?"

Tae: "You might as well be Mrs. Taehyung because once you marry me it will be like that all the time."

Me: "I don't have a problem with it I love it actually."

Once I say this I kiss him on his cheek which makes him smile and seeing him smile makes me smile.

As we continue to smile at each other I stand up and instantly grab his hand.

While I'm holding his hand we walk to the door following the nurse to a room.

Once we make it to a room we walk in first and the nurse walks in behind us closing the door behind her.

While we are in this room I'm sitting on the bed as My Fiance stands beside me and holds my hand.

While I'm sitting here I suddently feel really nervous.

Which causes me to tighten my grip on My Fiance's hand and I look down at the floor waiting on the nurse to say something.

As I'm looking down at the floor I suddenly feel a hand on my back which tells me he's rubbing my back.

Tae: "It's okay baby everything will be fine."

Nurse: "Are you nervous sweetie?"

Once I hear the nurses voice I look up at her and finally say something.

Me: "Yeah.."

Nurse: "You will be fine sweetie now what are you here for?"

Me: "Well the reason I'm here is I surprised My Fiance here with a pregnacy test that was positve but we didn't know if it works or not."

Nurse: "So you came here to see if you was actually pregnant right?"

Me: "Yeah."

Nurse: "First thing I need to ask though to make sure you are pregnant is do you have the symptoms of when becoming pregnant like throwing up,mood changes,hormonal changes,feeling tired most of the day?"

Once she names off the symptoms my eyes go wide because I have all of the symptoms.

Which now has me thinking I could actually be pregnant and this store test was no joke.

The time I was in love with him now I'm married to him.Where stories live. Discover now