Part 34: The Bachelor Party (Part 7).

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~The Next Day~

[Mon. August 20th 2018]

~[The Day We Get Married]~


Because as they are in each others arms they see 5 guys on skateboards coming their way.

But they don't pay attention to them until they come their way and say something.

Skateboard Guy #1: "Well look at this we have fags sitting on the bench."

As one of the guys with a skateboard say this Yoongi stops kissing Kookie and brings his attention to the 5 guys with skateboards.

Yoongi: "What did you just say?"

Once Yoongi says this Kookie just looks at him because he knows how easy it is to make Yoongi mad.

So in order for Yoongi not to get mad Kookie has all of his attention on Yoongi and tries to block the guys out of his mind.

While he's trying to block the other guys out of his mind he gently places his hands on Yoongi's face to get his attention.

Kookie: "Baby look at me."

Yoongi: "Why they are obviously starting something and want to get their a**es kicked."

Kookie: "But it's not worth it they are just like other mean people in the world please just let it go."

Yoongi: "Why should I let it go? they shouldn't be bothering us in the first place."

Kookie: "Yeah they shouldn't but they just want to find someone to bully please just let it go."

Yoongi: "I don't want to let it go because we should be free to show our love for each other no matter where we go and people like them shouldn't stop us from that."

Kookie: "Yeah your right we should be able to show our love to each other but some people don't like that so we just have to ignore them and go on with our life."

Yoongi: "But I can't just let it go I need to do something about it."

Kookie: "Why can't you let it go?"

Yoongi: "Because they are bullies who need to be put in their place."

While Kookie & Yoongi are talking one of the five guys speak up which gets Yoongi's attention again.

Skateboard Guy #2: "Awee is your boyfriend trying to talk you out of getting your a** kicked."

Once the second guy says this he along with the others start laughing.

While they are laughing both Kookie & Yoongi are just looking at the other guys.

As the guys continue to laugh Yoongi speaks up getting their attention.

Yoongi: "I don't see anything funny so I don't see why you're laughing."

Skateboard Guy #3: "Because the both of you are going to get your a**es kicked and once we are done we will walk away laughing."

Once one of the skateboard guys say this Kookie looks at them and finally speaks up.

Kookie: "Why are you going to fight us we aren't doing anything?"

Skateboard Guy #4: "Because we don't like what we see people like you shouldn't be around or on these streets."

Yoongi: "Well I hate to break it to you but this is a free country and we can do what we want."

Kookie: "Exactly and if you don't like what we do then you can just leave it's that easy you don't have to pick a fight with us."

Skateboard Guy #5: "Maybe we don't want to leave."

Kookie: "Then fine we will leave come on baby let's go."

Once Kookie says this he gets up off of Yoongi's lap and gently grabs his hand motioning him to get up so they can leave.

But while Kookie is holding Yoongi's hand he just sits in the same spot and doesn't move which causes Kookie to speak up.

Kookie: "Come on baby let's just leave."

Once Kookie says this Yoongi finally gets up and they walk a different direction to get away from the skater guys.

While they are walking hand in hand one of the guys run up to Kookie and grab him by his hair and pull him away from Yoongi.

Once he's away from Yoongi the guy throws Kookie on the ground and all five guys start stomping and kicking him.

While the guys are doing this Yoongi starts feeling angry because they just messed with the person that he loves most.

As Yoongi continues to witness his boyfriend getting kicked and stomped on he walks up to the guys and says something.

Yoongi: "What the hell do you think you're doing?!"

Skateboard Guy #3: "You think you can just get away that easy it's not going to happen."

Once he says this he kicks Kookie again but this time he's laughing.

While the guy is laughing Yoongi looks down at Kookie and he has tears in his eyes and he's holding his stomach as blood leaves his mouth.

As Yoongi continues to see this he pushes the guys out of the way and takes Kookie's hand to help him up.

But as he's helping him up the guys leave Kookie and push Yoongi to the ground and start kicking him and stomping on him.

As this is happening Kookie is laying helpless on the ground but he uses what he can of his energy to help Yoongi the best that he can.

As he's helping Yoongi he crawls his way to him and grabs his leg trying his best to get his attention.

As he's grabbing his leg he looks into Yoongi's eyes and says something.

~What will happen next?~

~Only way to know is read Part 116~

Published on: Mon. Aug. 26th 2019 at 7:43 AM

More updates to come.

Words Written:956

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