Part 36: Trying to talk things Out (Part 5).

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~The Next Day~

[Mon. August 20th 2018]

~[The Day we get married]~


[Still] ~ Bambi's Pov:

Which instantly makes me smile and feel like the happiest girl in the world.

While we are kissing I pull away and look into his eyes and suddenly speak up.

Bambi: "I love you too Jimin."

As Jimin and I are talking we suddenly hear the door open again and I look to see if it could be Shelly so I can check on her.

But once the door opens I see it's only Yoongi and he walks towards Kookie to check on him.

As he's standing next to the bed Kookie is sound asleep and he's trying to wake him up.

While I'm watching Yoongi wake Kookie up I suddenly hear Julie say something which gets my attention.

Julie: "Who's this he's cute."

As I'm hearing her say this I roll my eyes because she has Hobi and he truly loves her.

But she doesn't seem to care and she wants someone who is taken which is something that can't happen.

While this is going through my mind she's looking at Yoongi with heart eyes and she's licking her lips like she wants him real bad.

As I'm seeing this I can't take the way she is acting and I decide to speak up.

Bambi: "That's Yoongi and you can't have him he's taken."

Julie: "I don't see his girl anywhere."

Bambi: "That's because he doesn't have a girlfriend he---"

Before I can even finish my sentence she continues to look at Yoongi and how all of his attention is on Kookie and no one else.

As she's looking at them she sees that Yoongi just picked Kookie up bridal style and took him out to the hallway.

Once she sees this and Yoongi is no longer in the room she puts her attention on me and she suddenly speaks up.

Julie: "Because he has a boyfriend!!"

Bambi: "Yeah and there is nothing you can do about it because he's with Kookie and he's happy which by the way if you didn't notice is Shelly and Tae's son and if he's upset then they won't be very happy."

Julie: "So what's that have to do with me?"

Bambi: "It has nothing to do with you but if you try to take Yoongi away from him then that will be a problem and we can't have that so I need you to forget about Yoongi and leave him alone because he's taken and he doesn't belong to you because you have Hobi and he loves you and is really happy with you."

The time I was in love with him now I'm married to him.Where stories live. Discover now