Part 42: Didn't See This Coming.

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~The Next Day~

[Mon. August 20th 2018]

~[The Day we get married]~


[Still] ~ My Pov:

While this is going through my mind I see Bambi looking at Jimin with worry on her face.

Bambi: "Jimin no matter what the fans think I will always love you and be by your side I'm not going anywhere."

Once she says this she kisses Jimin and this makes me happy.

Because both of them are happy just like Kelsey and NamJoon.

As I see the happiness between Bamb,Jimin,Kelsey and NamJoon.

I can't help but smile and feel happy for them because they both got the happiest they both deserve.

But as I'm looking at the happy married couples I suddenly hear a voice that gets my attention.

Yoongi: "I don't see how you can stay with him and be married to him knowing this is going to be your life now. Because no matter where you go if ARMYs see you with him they are not going to be happy. Because they see you with him and this hate towards you will continue and pretty soon it will go towards him. He will no longer be the favorite or the one with most fan girls. Because all that love will turn into hate and he will have no one but us and he's going to wish he never met you because of what you have done."

As Yoongi says this to me my happiness suddenly disappears and I feel like crying again.

Because the thought of my husband who is the love of my life hating me and never wishing he never met me hurts me and I feel my heart breaking into a million pieces.

As this is going through my mind I look at my husband who is looking at me with sadness in his eyes and seeing this is enough for me to want to cry.

Because I feel like my life is being torn apart and I feel like the love of my life is being taken away from me.

As this is going through my mind I turn my head and I hide my face in the crook of his neck.

As I'm doing this he knows something is wrong and he suddenly says something to Yoongi.

Tae: "Why the hell did you say that to her!"

Yoongi: "Because she needed to know she thinks the hate for her is bad now it's going to get even worse she's going to have to get use to it being with you and if she can't handle it then she needs to leave."

Tae: "She doesn't need to hear that sh*t right now so shut up!"

While my husband is talking to Yoongi, NamJoon suddenly joins in on the conversation.

NamJoon: "He's right Tae the hate is going to get worse and if she can't handle it then she needs to leave."

Tae: "I think she knows that because if she couldn't handle it she would've alright left me by now but she's still with me."

NamJoon: "But ARMYs are crazy and they will do whatever it takes to get what they want."

Tae: "They are crazy because one of them threw cake at her."

While my husband is talking to NamJoon I can't take it anymore I have to get out of here.

As this is going through my mind I get up off of my husband's lap which instantly gets his attention.

Tae: "Baby where are you going?"

Me: "I'm going outside for a minute I need some air."

Once I say this I unlock the door and go outside but before I go outside my husband says something.

Tae: "Baby no don't go out there you could get hurt."

Once he says this Yoongi suddenly says something that not only gets my attention but gets my husband's attention as well.

Yoongi: "Looks like she made her choice."

As he's saying this my husband gets up to follow me but before he goes outside with me he mumbles something under his breath.

Tae: "F**king A**hole!"

Once he says this he doesn't say anything to the others and follows me outside.

But before I make it outside I say something to him.

Me: "What's the worst that could happen I mean I had a bunch of bad things happen to me since I've been here and it's obvious we aren't suppose to be together let alone married so what else could happen."

Once I say this I leave the Chapel before he can say anything else to me.

But once I go outside something else happens to me that I wasn't expecting.

Because once I make it outside a fan pulls out a gun and aims it at me and the next thing I know I'm on the ground.

-What will happen next?-

-Only way to know is read part 175-

Published on: Sun. April. 26th 2020 at 1:03 AM

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Words written:850

Want to know what happen next continue reading to find out.

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