Part 2: How We Met (Part 6).

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While we are talking and bringing back all the embarrassing things I've said while being loopy on medicine.

It all changes when a heavy set nurse comes in and looks at us.

Heavy set Nurse: "Tae you need to leave!"

As she says this so strictly both of us look at her with worry in our eyes.

Tae: "But why?"

Heavy set Nurse: "You know why I shouldn't have to say it!"

Tae: "I don't know why and we never met before so how do you know my name?"

Heavy set Nurse: "She's been crying out for you since she came out of surgery it's not hard to hear when our desk is right by her room."

As she says this I hide my face in the hospital sheets not wanting to look at this nurse or say anything.

Tae: "I'm aware of that I've been with her since she got out of surgery."

Heavy set Nurse: "Well we think you need to leave!"

Tae: "Why please tell me."

Heavy set Nurse: "Because you're a famous Idol and fans will do anything to get to you and as a Nurse we don't need that kind of behavior in our hospital it's not good for the patients here."

Tae: "But..."

Heavy set Nurse: "No buts Tae you need to leave your friend here should've known this was going to happen."

As she says this Tae doesn't say anything else and he let's go of my hand leaving me feel nothing but emptiness and saddness.

As I realize he's leaving I take the hospital sheet off of me and my eyes meet Tae's sad ones as he leaves my room.

Me: "No wait!!"

Once I say this Tae rushes back to me leaving the Nurse giving us a strict look as she returns to my room as well shutting the sliding glass door behind her.

Heavy set Nurse: "What is it Shelly I was strictly told to come here to make him leave not fool with your nonsense."

Me: "Just beacuse millions of fans or whatever they are know him doesn't exactly mean I know him."

Heavy set Nurse: "Where are you getting at with this?"

Me: "Like I said I have no Idea who he is we just met a few hours ago at KCON. Because I got pushed and I ended up falling no one around me was willing to help me. Except him and I refused to receive his help because no one has ever helped me. But he was willing to risk his life to help me from tons of fans chasing him and screaming for him and as much time I spent with him today. I still have no Idea who he is and I don't want to know because all I see everytime I look into his eyes is a gentleman with a heart of gold and is sweet and kind. So you strictly taking him away from me just because of fans and not realizing that I need him. I can't be alone because I will end up in my thoughts and that never turns out to be fun. So just because of crazy fans doesn't mean I should have to get punished because of them."

The time I was in love with him now I'm married to him.Where stories live. Discover now