Part 32: Alone (Part 2).

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~The Next Day~

[Sun. August 19th 2018]


[Still] ~ My Pov:

While I'm flipping through the channels I suddenly put the remote down and I lay on my back and put the pillow over my face.

As I'm like this I suddenly scream as loud as I can and I feel like I can't do this anymore.

Because I know I'm the one who told him to have fun because he deserves it.

But in the back of my mind I miss him like crazy and want him next to me.

While I'm thinking all of this I take the pillow off of my face so I can breathe.

Now that the pillow is off of my face I turn on my side and lay the pillow under my head and hold it tightly like before.

But this time tears are leaving my eyes and are unable to stop.

Because I miss him like crazy and need him with me.

Because this is our first time being away from each other so this is really hard for me.

But I'm trying my best to stay strong because I know he wouldn't want me crying.

But as I'm laying here I can't help but miss him and want him back in my arms.

Because before we met yeah I slept alone and loved it and didn't want to share my bed with anyone.

But ever since I met Tae and fell in love with him I loved the feeling of having someone to sleep next too.

Because I love being in his arms and hearing his heart beat so beautifully while he sleeps next to me.

Because I feel so safe when I'm in his arms and I feel the happiest when I'm with him.

So to be sleeping alone for the first time since we got together is really hard for me.

Because I'm use to sleeping next to him at night and waking up next to him in the morning.

So not having him here with me when I go to bed is really hard for me.

Because being in his arms makes me feel safe and feel like the happiest girl in the world.

Because I'm to the point now that I never want to leave his arms.

Because when I'm with him I fall in love with him every second that I'm with him and I love every second that we spend together.

But right now my heart feels so empty and I feel like the world is crashing under my feet.

This emptiness is an awful feeling and I don't like it.

I want my heart to beat uncontrollably again.

I want to have that butterfly feeling back that I always use to have I want to smile and feel happy again.

The time I was in love with him now I'm married to him.Where stories live. Discover now