Part 21: Getting My Dress (Part 5).

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~The Next Day~

[Sun. August 19th 2018]


[Still] ~ My Pov:

Once she says this I put my hands over my face due to embarrassment and I feel myself starting to blush.

Kelsey: "Sissy it's a simple answer come on."

As she says this I take my hands away from my face and I look into her eyes so she knows I'm not lying.

Me: "Yes we are."

Kelsey: "I thought you would be I mean someone as sexy as your man I wouldn't see how you couldn't be sexually active."

Me: "Yes he's sexy and yes we are sexually active."

Kelsey: "Okay now when was the last time you had s*x?"

Me: "Uhm that's alittle personal.."

Kelsey: "I know but I need to know because it could help us lead to if you are pregnant or if your just hungover."

Me: "Our first night here."

Kelsey: "Okay so that would be yesterday then am I right?"

Me: "Yeah..why?"

Kelsey: "Because this could be the reason why you feel sick."

Once she says this I look down at my hands.

  Me: "I can't believe this is happening all over again." 

Kelsey: "Don't get too worked up about it we will know once we get you that pregnancy test and you take it."

Me: "Yeah but I don't know if I'm ready for this again.."

Kelsey: "Sissy if the test is positive then you will get through this and as your best friend I know you will get through this because you have an amazing fiance who loves you and will support you through this."

Me: "But what if I'm not?"

Kelsey: "If you're not then you have nothing to worry about and you can keep getting ready for your wedding."

Me: "Yeah but then again if I am I have no choice but to continue to go on with the wedding."

Kelsey: "Yeah you will just live your life day by day the only difference is you will have a baby growing inside that tummy of yours along the way which makes your life even more special."

As she says this I place my hand on my belly and smile softly.

Me: "Yeah he or she will be apart of our life because no matter if it's a boy or a girl they will be apart of me and my fiance which is even more special to us."

The time I was in love with him now I'm married to him.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz