Part 35: Going to the Hospital.

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~The Next Day~

[Mon. August 20th 2018]

~[The Day We Get Married]~


~A Few Minutes Later~


[Still] ~ Yoongi's Pov:

We finally make it to the hospital and no sooner we get out of the ambulance they rush Kookie into the hospital.

Once we make it to the hospital nurses immediately rush to Kookie wanting to know what happened.

Nurse #1: "What's the patience name and what happened?"

Paramedic #1: "His name is Kookie and he was brutally beaten by five guys on skateboards."

Nurse: #1: "We need to get him to a room now!"

Once the nurse says this she motions the paramedics to follow her.

But before they take Kookie to a room I stop them.

Yoongi: "Wait!"

Nurse: "What is it we don't have time for this!"

Once the nurse says this I don't say anything to her and I put my attention on Kookie.

While my attention is on Kookie I gently place my hands on his face and I kiss him softly but sweetly on his lips.

As I'm kissing him I pull away and look into his eyes.

Yoongi: "I love you baby I'll see you once they let me."

Once I say this I am unable to look away from him and I find myself getting lost in his confused sad doe like brown eyes.

But as I'm looking into his eyes it quickly ends when the nurse speaks up.

Nurse #1: "Okay that's enough get him to a room now!!"

As the nurse says this she leaves with the paramedics and takes Kookie to the nearest room to be worked on.

Now that Kookie is no longer in my sight I go find a bench and sit on it.

As I'm sitting on this bench I can't get the thought of this being all my fault out of my mind.

While this is on my mind I get the rings out of my pocket and hold them as I sit here alone in my thoughts wondering if Kookie is going to be okay or not.

~Meanwhile with My Fiance~


Tae's Pov:

As I'm standing in the hall of this hospital I can't help but worry for my son.

The time I was in love with him now I'm married to him.Where stories live. Discover now