Part 4: Finally going to Las Vegas (Part 3).

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As I hear this voice I open my eyes and look into his eyes.

Me: "I-I t-think so.."

My Hubby: "Are you sure?"

Me: "Yeah.."

My Hubby: "okay take deep breathes whenever you feel like your going to have another anxiety spell okay baby?"

Me: "okay.."

Once I say this I look down at the ground squeezing my own hands feeling nervous as I see more people in the airport.

My Hubby: "Baby is something wrong?"

Me: "C-Can y-you h-hold me s-so I feel alot s-safer."

My Hubby: "Yes baby come here."

As he says this I get closer to him to where he's holding me close to him as he has his arms around me.

Me: "Thank you."

My Hubby: "No need to thank me baby I know this is hard for you."

Once he says this I don't say anything else and I snuggle my face in the crook of his neck.

As we pass tons of people to get to the desk area to get checked in.

Once we finally make it to the desk we show our passports and flight tickets so we are able to get onto our flight.

As the lady at the desk finishes checking everyones passports and tickets she hands them back and we sit down until our flight is called.

As we are sitting down I sit on My Fiance lap with my legs wrapped around his waist and my head laying on his shoulder.

As I'm hiding my face in the crook of his neck with my arms around his waist.

As I'm sitting on his lap he's rubbing my back gently and I can't help but feel embarrassed after what just happened in the middle of this airport.

But as much people that are here I can't help but feel like I'm stuck in a tight space unable to move or breathe.

It's not like I wanted the Anxiety spell to happen it just happened.

While these things are going through my mind I feel tears running down my face.

Which tells me I need to wipe them away but I've been wanting to cry since our little arguement in the limo.

But what happened in the limo I put in the back of my mind for right now and focus on what's going on now.

As these tears continue to fall from my eyes I snuggle my face more into his neck so no one realizes that I'm crying.

But that doesn't happen because my son realizes that I'm crying and he looks at me with worry in his eyes.

As he sits behind me with the others.

Kookie: "Mom are you crying?"

As he says this I shake my head letting him know that I'm not so I don't have to talk about it.

The time I was in love with him now I'm married to him.Where stories live. Discover now