Part 2: How We Met (Part 5).

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Once he says this I feel his soft warm lips on my forehead as he kisses me again.

Nurse: "She will be fine there's no need to worry."

As she says this Tae looks at me one last time before I leave my room and head into surgery.

-2 Hours Later-

I make it out of Surgery but I'm still knocked out from the medicine and thankfully the Surgery was a success and I can rest.

As I finally make it to my room I can't keep my eyes open and I find myself sleeping again.

But as I'm sleeping I feel a hand in mine as I'm off to dream land until I wake up.

-Another 2 Hours Later-

I am finally starting to wake up and know bits and pieces of my surroundings.

Especially the tall male that has been holding my hand since I came back from the surgery.

As my eyes start to open alittle I still see this tall male and for some odd reason I'm calling out for him and I feel tears in my eyes and they slowly roll down my cheek.

Me: "Tae..Tae..Tae.."

Tae: "Hey I'm right here I told you I would be here when you got out."

The closer he gets to me the more I find myself admiring his beautiful features.

Especially the adorable mole on his nose that I caught myself looking at a few times along with the one under his eye and on his bottom lip.

That I also caught myself looking at a few times his lips are so perfect and beautiful.

That I found myself thinking about his beautiful lips on mine every so often.

Even when I kissed those beautiful lips earlier.

I found myself wanting to kiss him longer or even to the point I just wanted him to kiss me.

As I continue to admire his beauty I love how his brown hair is short and it's parted slightly in the middle to show his perfect sharp eye brows.

that give him the matter of cuteness no matter what silly expression he makes.

Then finally his neck the most perfect place for me to want to place soft kisses on.

While these things go through my mind I surprise myself at the things.

I'm suddenly thinking about with this mysterious male in front of me.

"No stop you can't think like that about him you don't even know him let alone like him."

As this goes through my mind I find myself mumbling out random crazy things.

"You're so pretty."

"Kiss me."

The time I was in love with him now I'm married to him.Where stories live. Discover now