Part 46: Finally Awake.

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[Still] ~ Tae's Pov:

But seeing her like this breaks my heart into a million pieces and I feel so empty and lost without her.

As this is going through my mind my thoughts soon get interrupted when I hear the sliding glass door open.

As I'm watching the sliding glass door open I sit down in the chair and hold my wife's hand.

While I'm doing this the nurse comes in with the ultrasound machine.

As I'm seeing this I'm starting to feel really nervous.

Because I don't want to get anymore bad news.

I just want my wife and our unborn child to be healthy and well.

As my mind is going crazy with a million thoughts I quickly put everything in the back of my mind and focus on reality.

While I'm focusing on what's going on I'm watching the nurse pull up the hospital gown that my wife is wearing and she's putting some kind of gel on her tummy.

As she's putting the gel on her tummy she takes the stick tool thing and gently places it on her tummy.

While the stick tool thing is on her tummy she's taking it around her tummy.

As I'm seeing this I can't tell what's going on in my wife's tummy.

So I decide to speak up to see if the nurse will give me some answers.

Tae: "How's the baby?"

Nurse Lisa: "It seems to be growing pretty well."

Tae: "How do you know?"

Once I say this she points to the ultrasound screen showing me where the baby is and how much it's growing.

As I'm looking at the screen our precious little girl seems much bigger than a poppy seed.

Which has me wondering how many weeks my wife is now.

As this is going through my mind I decide to say something so I know what's going on with my wife and our precious little girl.

Tae: "How many weeks is she now?"

Nurse Lisa: "She seems to be 5 weeks now which means the baby is the size of a sesame seed and your wife's belly will start to grow and show as weeks to months pass."

Tae: "So our precious little girl will be healthy?"

Nurse Lisa: "You won't know the gender of the baby until months pass but yes looks like the baby will be healthy."

Tae: "I know I've been through this with her before and we had a boy I'm hoping this time we have a girl."

Nurse Lisa: "Have the two of you talked about what you wanted?"

Tae: "Yeah she said it doesn't matter if it's a girl or a boy she will love it unconditionally and I'm the same way but deep down I'm hoping we have a girl this time."

The time I was in love with him now I'm married to him.Where stories live. Discover now