Part 41: What Happens Now? (Part 2).

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~The Next Day~

[Mon. August 20th 2018]

~[The Day we get married]~


[Still] ~ Kookie's Pov:

Once Yoongi says this he let's go of me and sits in one of the chairs facing his back towards everyone.

As I'm seeing this I look at NamJoon hyung and the others.

Kookie: "Hyung..why did you have to say that.."

As I'm saying this NamJoon doesn't say anything and he just looks at me.

While he's looking at me I look at Yoongi and walk towards him to check on him.

As I'm standing next to him it doesn't take me long to sit on his lap and grab his hands and hold them in mine.

As I'm doing this I also kiss his forehead gently but sweetly.

Kookie: "Baby?"

Yoongi: "What?"

Kookie: "Look at me."

Once I say this he looks at me but not with the flirty loving eyes that I was looking into a few minutes ago.

This time his eyes show sadness and hurt which makes me wondering if he's okay.

Kookie: "What's wrong why do you look so sad and hurt?"

Yoongi: "Because I am I'm sick of people judging me just because I show no emotions just because I'm not crazy happy all the time like Tae or Hobi it doesn't mean I have no emotions and I'm boring. I mean I'm finally happy why can't they see that and stop judging me about it."

As he's telling me how he's feeling I see he has tears in his eyes which is something I haven't seen from him.

Because he puts on this character that he's a tough strong person with no emotions.

But really behind all of that he's just like the rest of us.

He has feelings and he has his happy moments where he likes to smile he just doesn't show it much.

But when he does the others like to point it out and put him on the spot and talk about it like they did just now.

While this is going through my mind I clear my head and focus on Yoongi.

Kookie: "They will do that it's what they do just put a wall up and don't pay attention to them because if you listen to everything they say you will never be happy so don't pay attention to them and just be happy no matter what anyone says okay baby."

Once I say this I kiss him on his lips before he can say anything negative and put himself down about it.

As I'm kissing him he finds his way of sliding his tongue between my teeth and before I know it our kiss goes to being sweet and gentle to passionate and heated real quick.

While we are enjoying the kiss we suddenly get interrupted by the sound of NamJoon's voice.

NamJoon: "You two might want to stop with the heated kiss."

As he's saying this he has the door cracked so he can see what's going on outside.

While he's looking outside he shuts the door and locks it then he looks at us.

As he's looking at us I decide to speak up because he interrupted my kiss with Yoongi.

Kookie: "Hyung why what's going on?"

NamJoon: "Because this place is surrounded with tons of ARMYs and tons of paparazzi and on top of that there is a black limo out there that wasn't out there earlier."

Kookie: "Maybe it's mom and dad."

NamJoon: "How can that be when they left to go back to the hotel?"

Kookie: "Maybe mom changed her mind and wanted to come back."

NamJoon: "But if it's them then how are they going to get out of the limo without the paparazzi getting pictures and ARMYs attacking them?"

Kookie: "I don't know but dad is probably trying to calm her down because she has been getting so much hate from ARMYs lately because of her being with dad, so she's probably freaking out thinking they are going to attack her."

NamJoon: "I hope Tae figures out something because if they are in the limo then they can't stay in the limo all day and we can't stay in here we need to figure out what we are going to do."

As he's saying this he's trying to stay calm because as the leader he's the most responsible and since we are in the situation.

That we are in to where we don't know what to do he's trying to figure something out so he doesn't freak out.

-Meanwhile with Me and My Husband-

We decided to come back to the Chapel instead of going to the hotel.

Because I needed to fix things with my best friend and continue on with our wedding day.

But once we make it back to the chapel we see tons of ARMYs and paparazzi surrounding the chapel.

Which has us wondering what's going on and how they knew we was in Vegas.

-What will happen next?-

-Only way to know is read part 171-

Published on: Thurs. April. 23rd 2020 at 12:29 PM

Don't forget to comment & vote I'd really appreciate it.

Words written:871

Want to know what happen next continue reading to find out.

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