Part 21: Getting My Dress (Part 7).

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~The Next Day~

[Sun. August 19th 2018]


[Still] ~ My Pov:

Now that I'm dressed and have my perfect wedding dress.

Kelsey and I follow the lady out to the front to pay for my dress.

Once my dress is paid for something suddenly comes to mind and I look at the short lady with the pixie cut and finally speak up.

Me: "Before I leave can I see what kind of suits you have?"

Short Lady with Pixie Cut: "Sure thing sweety follow me this way."

Once she says this we follow her and we are in a certain area of the shop.

That has different styles and colors of suits and I have to say some are ridiculously blinged out.

But some are just really ugly which causes me to walk right past them and not even look at them.

While we are in this area of the shop with the suits we come to a studden stop.

Short Lady With Pixie Cut: "Okay so you said the colors for your wedding are Mint Green and Black right?"

Me: "Yes."

Short Lady with Pixie Cut: "So is the suit going to be mint green with a black tie like this?"

Once she says this she grabs a suit that has a mint green suit with a black tie and I immediately turn it down.

Me: "No not that."

Short Lady With Pixie Cut: "Okay this is good to know so your just going with the traditional black suit but instead of a black tie you want it to be mint green right?"

Me: "Yes."

Once I say this She grabs the suit that's black with a white dress shirt and mint green tie and grey vest.

While she's holding the suit this gets me really happy and I can't help but smile.

Me: "This is perfect!! He's going to look so handsome in this!!"

Short Lady With Pixie Cut: "So this is the suit you want for your soon to be Husband?"

Me: "Yes it's perfect but I'm not going to buy it. Because he has an appointment here in an hour and he's coming with a few friends.Who are the groomsmen and I don't want them picking out ridiculous suits with crazy colors."

Short Lady With Pixie Cut: "That's understandable so you want him to get fitted for this suit so it will look perfect on him so he can buy it?"

Me: "Exactly that's why he has the appointment in the first place he needs a suit just like I needed the dress."

Short Lady With Pixie Cut: "I will hang this up in the the dressing room you was just in so no one takes it and when he gets here he can try it on."

Me: "That's perfect thank you so much!!"

Short Lady With Pixie Cut: "Your welcome anything to make your day perfect."

Once I make it to the door I smile and wave to her.

Me: "Bye have a good evening."

Short Lady With Pixie Cut: "Bye you to sweetie."

Once she says this she smiles at me and waves bye to me as I head to the door to leave.

After we say our goodbyes we get into the taxi to leave.

~What will happen next?~

~Only way to know is read Part 72~

Published on: Tues. June 18th 2019 at 4:23 AM

More updates to come it just takes time.

Sorry this Part is so short but I have more Ideas and I want to start them on the next Part.

Words Written:615

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Want to know what happens next continue reading to find out.

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