Part 17: Enjoying The Night.

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My Pov:

Once I say this I gently grab his hand and we leave our room once again.

As we leave our room I stop in my tracks once again.

Because I don't want to forget our room key and end up getting locked out.

As I'm standing here My Fiance looks at me with worry in his eyes as I continue to look at the door.

Tae: "Baby is something wrong?"

Me: "Do you still have the room key?"

Once I say this he grabs the room key from his suit pocket and shows it to me then he puts it back into his suit pocket.

As I see that he still has the room key I feel relived and take a deep breathe so I can try to relax.

Now that I know that he has the key we walk hand in hand on our way to the club.

~A Few Minutes Later~

My Fiance and I finally make it to the club and everyone is still doing there thing.

Kelsey & NamJoon are still at the bar and Hobi & Jimin are still dancing on the dance floor and of course Kookie & Yoongi are still sitting on the couch.

But they are no longer sitting far away from each other they are sitting next to each other smiling as Kookie plays with Yoongi's hands.

As I see this I get My Fiance's attention to see if he notices anything.

Me: "Baby look."

Tae: "What is it Baby?"

Me: "Kookie & Yoongi are smiling and look so happy together."

Tae: "How did that happen? I thought you said NamJoon told them not to be all touchy?"

Me: "I don't know that's a good question let's go ask NamJoon about it to see if he knows."

Tae: "I don't think that's a good idea let's just leave them alone and enjoy our night."

As My Fiance says this I couldn't agree more about what he just said because what if we do tell NamJoon and he tries to split them up.

We don't need that tonight or ever because Yoongi and Kookie are happy in love why would anyone want to ruin that.

As this goes through my mind I clear my thoughts and bring myself back to reality so My Fiance doesn't get worried.

Me: "I agree let's just go dance."

Once I say this he looks at me with nothing but shock which tells me he's surprised at what I just said.

Tae: "You dance?"

Me: "You won't be getting me to twerk or doing the naenae but we can enjoy a slow dance together so we can prepare for our slow dance on the day of our wedding."

The time I was in love with him now I'm married to him.Where stories live. Discover now