Part 34: The Bachelor Party (Part 4).

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~The Next Day~

[Mon. August 20th 2018]

~[The Day We Get Married]~


~A Few Minutes Later~

They finally make it to the nearest hospital which causes Yoongi to park the cop car.

Once the cop car is parked they all get out and make it into the hospital.

While they are in the hospital they see a doctor which tells them what happened last night.

Doctor: "I told you had a mild concusion and some bruised ribs it was no big deal."

NamJoon: "Who was the one who had a mild concusion and bruised ribs?"

Doctor: "Patience's name: Kim Taehyung 5:45 AM arrival a mild concusion and some bruised ribs like I said pretty standard oh this is interesting your blood work just came back we found a large amount of Rohypnol in your system."

Tae: "Rohypnol?"

Doctor: "Ruffies commonly known as the date rape drug."

Kookie: "So you're saying someone raped us last night?"

Doctor: "It could've happened I'm surprised you don't remember but the drug is probably out of your system by now so you have nothing to worry about."

Jimin: "Doc we don't remember anything from last night right guys?"

NamJoon: "Is there anything we was talking about to help us remember?"

Doctor: "Yeah there was you guys kept talking about a wedding that you just came from."

Yoongi: "No sh*t Tae is getting married today!"

Doctor: "No you was talking about a wedding you just came from it was at the best little chapel you kept talking about how sick the wedding was and getting all crazy about it."

NamJoon: "Where is the best little chapel?"

Once NamJoon says this he gets the paper and pen out of his pocket and starts writing the directions down.

Doctor: "It's at the corner of get a map and f**k off I'm a doctor not a tour guide your big boys you can figure it out yourselves."

Once they hear what the doctor just said to them they just look at each other then back at the doctor.

Once they get this information from the doctor they realize he's done talking.

So they just leave to go to the Best Little Chapel to get more information about last night.

~A Few Minutes Later~

The time I was in love with him now I'm married to him.Where stories live. Discover now