Part 53: Ending Our Night By Having Some Fun (Part 2).

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Tae's Pov:

Once she says this I go to kiss her again but like before she stops me and looks at me.

Tae: "Baby what is it now?"

Me: "I just need to know something before we start?"

Tae: "Yeah what is it?"

Me: "Do you think I'm ugly?"

Once she says this she looks at me with sad eyes which tells me something is bothering her.

Tae: "Baby why would you even ask me that?"

Me: "Just answer the question."

Tae: "Baby no I don't think you're ugly why would you ask me that?"

Me: "Because I tried having fun with you a few minutes ago and you wouldn't let me."

Tae: "Baby is that why you was crying in the shower?"

Me: "Yeah I was deep in my thoughts as I was showering and I had all kinds of things going through my mind."

Tae: "What was going through your mind baby?"

Me: "I don't really want to talk about.."

Tae: "You wanted to talk baby so let's talk tell me what was going through your mind."

Me: "The things that was going through my mind was things like am I not good enough, am I ugly and the one that bothered me the most was do you not want to make love to me anymore because I'm pregnant those are the kind of things that was on my mind."

As I'm listening to her tell me what was on her mind.

I can't believe what I'm hearing is this really what she thinks about.

As this is going through my mind I suddenly say something to her.

Tae: "Baby what makes you think you aren't good enough?"

Me: "I don't know I just feel like I'm not good enough.."

Tae: "Baby that's not true you are good enough you're actually more than that you are amazing I don't see why you are putting yourself down so much you are amazing."

Me: "You're just saying that to make me feel better."

Tae: "Baby no I'm not I actually mean it and why are you suddenly putting yourself down?"

Me: "I don't know I just feel like since we found out that we was going to have another baby that I'm not going to look my best and you won't see me as beautiful anymore and want to leave me."

As she's saying this she puts her hands over her face and as I'm seeing this.

I immediately place my hands on hers so she can look at me.

Tae: "Baby look at me nothing in this world means more to me than you and this unborn child of ours. I love you and I love you the way that you are I don't want you putting yourself down and thinking you aren't beautiful or good enough. Because in my eyes you are amazing and are truly beautiful inside and out. I don't ever want you to put yourself down saying that you are ugly. Because in my eyes you are beautiful and I'm sure when your belly starts growing you are going to be even more beautiful and you will glow so beautifully everywhere you go and with me leaving I'm not going anywhere. I helped make this baby so I'm obviously going to stay with you and raise the baby. I love you and I'm not going anywhere no matter if we fight or argue or not see eye to eye on some things I'm not going anywhere. I married you and got you pregnant so you are stuck with me. I will always love you I promise I'm never going to leave you or our unborn child."

The time I was in love with him now I'm married to him.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora