Part 44: Feeling Worried (Part 2).

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[Still] ~ Tae's Pov:

But if I wait too long I will get inpatient and I don't want to do that.

But I also don't want to be sitting here all night waiting on some answers about her.

While all of this is going through my mind I suddenly hear an unfamiliar voice and it's enough to get my attention.

Tae: "Who are you and what do you want?"

Once I say this the unknown female figure sits beside me and looks at me.

ARMY: "Hi TaeTae I'm Amber I'm an ARMY!!"

Once she says her name is Amber and she's an ARMY I already know what she wants.

Tae: "It's nice to meet you sweetie but I'm not in the mood for pictures or autographs tonight."

As I'm saying this I'm wiping my tears away so she doesn't question me on what's wrong.

Amber (ARMY): "I'm not here for a picture or an autograph TaeTae."

Tae: "Then what are you here for I'm not in the mood to talk right now."

Amber (ARMY): "I want you to watch something because I was at the Chapel when I seen what happened to your wife and I think you need to see this if you want some answers just like the rest of us."

When she says this I look at her and wonder what she's talking about.

Tae: "What do you mean by the rest of us?"

Once I say this she points a few feet away from her where I see four other unknown figures and they are looking at me.

Tae: "What's going on?"

Amber (ARMY): "These are other ARMYs who were there at the Chapel with me and they witnessed the same thing I did."

Tae: "Okay but how are you going to help?"

Amber (ARMY): "Just watch this video I recorded on my phone it will give you the answers you need to know who shot your wife."

Once she says this she hands me her phone and I play the video and watch it.

As I'm watching the video I see my wife leaving the chapel and I see an unknown figure wearing a black hoodie and they walk up to my wife and aim the gun at her and shoot her.

As I'm watching this the video suddenly ends and once it ends.

I'm just as confused as before and I'm still wondering who shot my wife and why they did it.

While this is going through my mind I hand the ARMY her phone.

Tae: "I didn't get any answers."

Amber (ARMY): "TaeTae did you see the unknown figure in the black hoodie or was your eyes focused on your wife?"

Tae: "I seen the unknown figure in a black hoodie but that could've been anyone that doesn't give me the answers I need to find out who did this to her."

Amber (ARMY): "Did you see what was written on the back of the unknown figures hoodie?"

Tae: "No I only seen it was black."

Once I say this the ARMY looks at her phone and plays the video again then pauses it on the unknown figure in the black hoodie and shows it to me.

As I'm looking at the video I see the hoodie the unknown figure is wearing has the name "Chanyeol" on it.

Amber (ARMY): "Do you see the name now? Do you recognize the name TaeTae?"

Tae: "I don't recognize the name."

Amber (ARMY): "The unknown figure is an EXO-L because the name on his or her hoodie is a member from EXO do you remember the fan war that was going on between EXO-L's & ARMYs?"

Tae: "Yeah but I don't know why the fan war even started because all of us are friends."

Amber (ARMY): "We know that but EXO-L's don't know that."

Tae: "Okay so what does the fan war between EXO-L's & ARMYs have to do with my wife?"

Amber (ARMY): "Because your wife is obviously an ARMY because if she wasn't she would've fell in love with you or married you."

Tae: "But what's my wife have to do with EXO-L'S & ARMYs?"

Amber (ARMY): "The EXO-L must've not liked seeing you getting married so they thought the best way to stop the wedding was to get rid of her so you can't be happy."

Tae: "But she has nothing to do with them why would they go after her she didn't do anything to deserve this!"

Amber (ARMY): "Because it's obvious the fan war isn't over EXO-L's don't like ARMYs so they thought the best way to prove that was to go after your wife because they know destroying your happiness is something they love because not only do they want to see ARMYs upset and suffer but they want to see you suffer as well."

Tae: "But why go after my wife she didn't do anything I still don't know why they did this to her."

Amber (ARMY): "Because they have nothing but hatred towards us. They always have they always thought they was better than us and I never understood that. But my heart is in the right place and chose the best fandom to be apart of. Because we not only stick up and protect each other but we protect and stick up for the seven of you. Because you guys deserve nothing but love and happiness and yeah some ARMYs might not be happy that you are happily married now. But we would never do something like this because we love you TaeTae and we want nothing but the best for you and the others. So you aren't alone on this we will help you and figure out who did this and why they did it. But we love you and we are here for you always remember that TaeTae."

Once she says this she puts her phone in her pocket and walks away with the other ARMYs.

-What will happen next?-

-Only way to know is read part 179-

Published on: Wed. May. 6th 2020 at 5:33 AM

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