Part 35: Going to the Hospital: The Argument (Part 4).

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~The Next Day~

[Mon. August 20th 2018]

~[The Day We Get Married]~


[Still] ~ Yoongi's Pov:

Once I say this I have had enough of his childish games so instead of saying anything else.

I grab him by his ear and drag him outside to talk things out with his fiance.

Tae: "Ow! Hyung that's my ear let go!"

As I'm hearing him whine and complain I speak up which causes him to get quite.

Yoongi: "Shut up!"

Once we make it outside I see Shelly still sitting on the bench and I still see her in tears.

As I'm seeing her like this I tell Tae to sit next to her but he refuses and starts pouting.

While this is happening I take a deep breathe and suddenly speak up.

Yoongi: "Ughh Tae sit the hell down it's not that hard!"

Once I say this he finally sits down but he sits away from Shelly and turns his back to her.

As I'm seeing this I look at Shelly and she's doing the same thing.

While I see these two act like childish brats to one another.

I take another deep breathe and find myself walking back and forth trying my best not to snap at these two.

But as this is going through my mind the thought of Kookie laying in a hospital bed in that hospital without either of his parents there with him by his side.

Suddenly gives me an idea and I speak up hoping that they are listening.

Yoongi: "Do the two of you not understand that you have a son in there who needs you and is waiting for you?!"

Once I say this Shelly changes her position and she's sitting up straight looking at me.

While she's like this she wipes her tears away and finally says something.

Me: "I must've gotten too caught up in his nonsense to realize that."

Once she says this Tae does the same thing but instead of looking at me he looks at Shelly and says something.

Tae: "I tried to tell you that but you was too busy screaming at me to even listen."

Me: "I was only screaming because I wanted to know what happened!"

Tae: "I told you what happened why won't you listen to me?"

Me: "Why won't you tell me the truth?!"

The time I was in love with him now I'm married to him.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora