Part 35: Going to the Hospital (Part 12).

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~The Next Day~

[Mon. August 20th 2018]

~[The Day we get married]~


~Meanwhile with Me~

My Pov:

But as I'm about to walk out the door he grabs my hand which stops me from leaving.

Tae: "You can't leave what about our son?"

Me: "If he can get married on his own then he obviously doesn't need me."

Tae: "You really don't mean that do you? Because he needs you right now he ask for you he wanted to see you that's why I called you."

Me: "Well he doesn't need me too bad he has everything he wants now so I'm going to leave because if you haven't noticed we have a wedding to get ready for and I still need to get ready and so do you."

Tae: "But we still don't know what's going on with our son we can't just leave not knowing what's going on with him."

Me: "If you would listen to the doctor he said he would call us about the results and if anything happened then we will go from there but I don't know about you but I'm not trying to miss our big day."

Tae: "I don't want to miss it either but we need to know what's going on with our son first before anything happens."

Me: "Fine then you can stay here and I will leave I can't deal with this. I seriously need to leave because if I'm here any longer than I'm going to scream and I really don't want to do that. So have fun with our son because I've had enough I'm going back to the hotel."

Before he can say anything else and stop me with more excuses.

I walk away from him and leave the hospital as fast as I can.

So I can get into a cab before anyone can say anything or talk me out of leaving.

~A Few Minutes Later ~


My Pov:

The cab drops me off at Caesars palace and I make my way to my room.

Once I make it to my room I get the key out of my hoodie pocket and I open the door and go into my room.

As I'm in my room I still see Bambi,Kelsey and Julie in my room and they seem to be having a good time.

Because they are talking and laughing which is good to see from them that they are getting along.

But that doesn't help me at all because after everything that has happened today I feel like crying and screaming.

Because everything has been nothing but hell for me since I've been here and I'm getting f**king tired of it.

The time I was in love with him now I'm married to him.Where stories live. Discover now