Part 15: Problems (Part 2).

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[Still] ~ Kelsey's Pov:

Once Yoongi and Kookie are no where in sight I look at My Husband as he watching the two leave.

But they are already out of sight so he's looking at an empty hall.

As he continues to look down the empty hall I look into his eyes which finally look into my worried ones.

Kelsey: "What the hell was you thinking!!"

NamJoon: "What did I do?"

Kelsey: "You messed up is what you did."

NamJoon: "Why did I mess up?"

Kelsey: "Because our son is obviously hurting and upset because of what you said he almost threw a punch at you but Kookie pulled him away at the right time and calmed him down."

NamJoon: "Well he needed to hear the truth because it's going to happen one day and they won't like it."

Kelsey: "But why ruin our son's happiness this is the first time in his life that he's finally happy why can't you let him be happy and get the love that he deserves."

NamJoon: "Because if the company finds out about those two it's not going to be pretty because Korea doesn't except the LGBTQ+ community or gay relationships so I'm trying to save them both from getting hurt."

Kelsey: "But you didn't help with anything you made it worse and upset our son."

NamJoon: "Well he had it coming sooner or later."

Kelsey: "What the hell is wrong with you we are talking about our son's happiness here and you just want to be an a**hole about it."

NamJoon: "I'm just trying to save him from getting hurt that's all."

Kelsey: "Well you have done enough and I'm done talking about this if you want to continue to be an a** then you can stay here and think what you have done and I'll go to the club alone."

Once I say this I start walking away as he stands in the same spot not saying a word.

But the further away I get the more I am hurting.

As I continue to get further away I hear a familar voice calling for me.

NamJoon: "My Love wait!!"

As he gets closer he gently touches my arm which now has me facing him.

Kelsey: "What is it?"

Once I say this he kisses me instantly without saying a word and as our lips touch and move with each others.

I can't help but smile and feel my heart melt at the same time.

While we continue to kiss he pulls away and looks into my eyes.

NamJoon: "I'm so sorry My Love I didn't mean to say what I did I'm really sorry."

Kelsey: "Shut up and kiss me again."

NamJoon: "Does this mean you forgive me?"

Kelsey: "Just kiss me already."

Once I get what I want which is a soft yet passionate kiss from My Husband.

Everything that just happened fades away from my mind and I feel like the happiest wife in the world again.

Kelsey: "You are forgiven and I love you."

NamJoon: "I love you too."

As My Husband says this to me he takes my hand and we continue to walk hand in hand to finally go to the club.

~A Few Moments Later~

[Still] ~ Kelsey's Pov:

My Husband and I finally make it to the Omnia Nightclub and this place is packed which is as expected for a club in Las Vegas.

While we are in the club we look for the others and we spot Hobi and Jimin on the dance floor.

Then we see Yoongi and Kookie sitting on a couch far away from each other and they honestly look so upset it's heartbreaking to see.

Then we see Jin at the bar sitting next to a girl which is something we can see him doing.

Because he's as he says it "WorldWide Handsome" so we expect him to be with a girl and he's either enjoying his time with her or talking about his looks as usual.

While we see that everyone made it to the club we head to the bar for our first drink.

But as we make it to the bar we see a familar face the girl that we thought Jin was talking to wasn't just anyone.

It's my best friend Shelly but she's not here with V she's alone and she's crying.

As I see her at the bar in tears I sit beside her and enjoy my drink with her as I try to talk to her.

~What will happen next?~

~Only way to know is read Part 52~

Published on: Wed. May 29th 2019 at 6:51 PM

More updates to come it just takes time.

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Want to know what happens next continue reading to find out.

The time I was in love with him now I'm married to him.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz