Part 53: Ending Our Night By Having Some Fun (Part 3).

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Tae's Pov:

As I'm saying this she doesn't say anything else to me she kisses me which is enough to get us both to smile.

But as I'm enjoying the kiss she suddenly pulls away and looks into my eyes.

Me: "Did you lock the door?"

Tae: "The door automatically locks when the door closes and in order to get in they need a key and they don't have a key to this room so they can't get in unless we let them in."

Me: "Good I don't want to be making love to you and they just walk in without letting us know first."

Tae: "They won't be bothering us because it's time for us to have time alone and not have them bother us."

Me: "Exactly now kiss me."

Once she says this to me I don't waste any time and I kiss her.

While we are kissing I gently place my hands on her waist.

As I'm doing this it doesn't take her long to pull away from the kiss and look at me.

Me: "Are we going to strip or just kiss all night?"

Tae: "I was getting there baby but you pulled away from the kiss."

Me: "Forget the kissing I'm ready for you to strip me down and if you don't do it soon then I'm going to strip you down."

Tae: "So it's going to be like that huh?"

Me: "Yeah now let's start taking our clothes off."


A/N: If you don't like smut or stuff like this skip to next part .


As she's saying this I don't say anything I just start taking her clothes off.

While this is going through my mind I start with her top and I take it off of her and throw it on the floor.

As I'm doing this it only leaves her in her undies.

While I'm realizing this I realize this is going to be the fun part and I can't help but have what I'm going to do to her on my mind.

As this is going through my mind I waste no time and I take her undies off and throw them on the floor as well.

Now that she is in nothing I can't help but feel my body go crazy and I want to do all kinds of things to her.

But as this is going through my mind my thoughts soon get interrupted when I hear her voice.

Me: "It's my turn now."

As she's saying this she suddenly grabs the seem of my sweatpants and takes them off and throws them on the floor with her clothes.

The time I was in love with him now I'm married to him.Where stories live. Discover now