Part 28: Going to the Hospital (Part 4).

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~The Next Day~

[Sun. August 19th 2018]


[Still] ~ My Pov:

As I'm sitting in the chair he notices my recent action and he looks at me with worry in his eyes.

Tae: "Baby what's wrong?"

Me: "Nothing I'm fine."

As I'm saying this I still have that weak feeling and all I want is to kiss him and rip his clothes off.

But as this is going through my mind I realize I'm in a public place and can't think the things I'm thinking.

Because then I will just pull him close and kiss him and I won't be able to stop myself.

So these urges that I have for him right now have to calm down for now.

Because I can't cause a ridiculous scene like that in public.

But as these things go through my mind I feel his hot breathe on my neck again and he's placing soft kisses on my neck.

Which feels amazing and all I want is more but I can't do this here.

As he continutes to leave soft kisses on my neck I pull away and look into his eyes which are no longer filled with worry.

He has so much hunger in his eyes which tells me he wants it just as bad as I do.

As I'm looking into his eyes I speak up to get his attention.

Me: "Baby we can't do this now."

Once I say this he kisses my neck again which tells me he likes teasing me.

Because he knows now that I want him just as bad as he wants me.

Tae: "But I love kissing you."

Me: "I know but we just need to stop for now then you can have me all you want once we get back to the hotel."

Once I say this he stops kissing me and looks into my eyes.

Tae: "But this doesn't tell me what's wrong with you baby?"

Once he says this I scoot closer to him and whisper in his ear so no one in the waiting room hears what I have to say.

Me: "There is nothing wrong with me I just want you so bad right now."

Once I say this I look at him as hunger is still in my eyes.

Tae: "Oh so are you going to be in that kind of mood from now on.

Once he says this he smirks at me which causes me to smack him playfully in his tummy.

Me: "Stop! you know when I had Kookie my hormones were all out wack and I ended up wanting you all the time."

The time I was in love with him now I'm married to him.Where stories live. Discover now