Part 46: Finally Awake (Part 2).

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[Still] ~ My Pov:

As I'm moving my hand it doesn't take him long to put his attention on me.

Because as he's talking to the nurse he suddenly looks at me.

Tae: "Baby you're awake!!"

As he's saying this he sounds so happy and knowing he's happy is enough to make me smile and feel so happy.

While this is going through my mind he let's go of my hand and he suddenly places both of his hands on my face and kisses my forehead.

But as he's kissing my forehead I place my hands on his face and I kiss him on his lips.

Because when he kissed me on my forehead it wasn't enough and I wanted a real kiss.

As I'm kissing him I suddenly pull away and look into his eyes and try to say something to him.

But as I'm about to say something he puts his finger on my lips and says something to me.

Tae: "Baby you can't talk right now you just got out of surgery."

Once he says this to me I feel like crying because I want to talk to him.

Because there are so many things going through my mind that I need to talk to him so I know what's going on.

But if I can't talk right now then I guess I have to wait until I can talk to ask him what's going on and what happened to me.

As this is going through my mind he suddenly says something to me that gets my attention.

Tae: "You're going to be fine baby I promise."

Once he says this he wipes my tears away that I didn't know was falling because I'm crying all of a sudden.

As I'm crying he continues to wipe my tears away that keep leaving my eyes.

While he's doing this he kisses me on my forehead to let me know that everything is going to be okay.

-Meanwhile with My Husband-

I am talking to the nurse about the baby and making sure our little girl is going to be healthy.

Tae's Pov:

As I'm talking to the nurse about the baby I suddenly feel my wife's hand move and this is enough to get my attention.

Because I want to make sure I'm not hallucinating or anything and feel her hand move and it didn't move.

As this is going through my mind I look at her and her hand is moving and her eyes are open and she's looking at me.

While I'm seeing this I get up out of the chair and I look at her and say something to her.

Tae: "Baby you're awake!!"

As I'm saying this to her I feel so happy to finally see her awake and to see her smiling.

Because I have missed her so much and I know it's only been a few hours of her getting out of surgery.

But sitting here waiting for her to wake up felt like forever and I thought she would never wake up.

But her doctor told me she is going to be fine she is just sleeping from surgery and seeing her awake and looking at me just makes me so happy to see her again.

While all these things are going through my mind I suddenly let go of her hand and gently place my hands on her face and I kiss her on her forehead.

But what she does next puts me in surprise because as I'm kissing her on her forehead she suddenly places her hands on my face and she kisses me on my lips.

Which not only makes her smile but makes me smile as well.

As she's kissing me on my lips it tells me she missed me and my kisses and knowing this makes me happy not only because I get to kiss her again.

But because nothing has changed with her she's still the same person that I fell in love with and married.

As this is going through my mind she suddenly pulls away from the kiss and looks into my eyes and tries to say something.

But before she can say anything I place my finger on her lips to keep her from saying anything and I look into her eyes and say something instead.

Tae: "Baby you can't talk right now you just got out of surgery."

As I'm saying this she is no longer looking into my eyes and she looks down at my hands.

Which tells me she's upset because whenever she's upset she can't look at me.

As I'm realizing that she's upset I look at her and I see tears leaving her eyes.

Which causes me to wipe them away and try to make her feel better.

Tae: "You're going to be fine baby I promise."

As I'm saying this to her I continue to wipe her tears away as they continue to leave her eyes.

-What will happen next?-

-Only way to know is read part 184-

Published on: Thurs. July. 2nd 2020 at 8:40 AM

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Words written:881

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