Part 6: Keeping things with us a secret (Part 3).

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Once I say this his sobs quite down and I gently wipe his tears away to calm him down.


~Meanwhile with the others~

They are in the same room we are in and they are standing around talking to each other.

Kelsey: "Where is our son?"

Jimin: "He's probably still talking to Kookie."

Kelsey: "Where are they?"

RM: "Yoongi was sitting on the bed when we left while Kookie was in the bathroom."

Jimin: "They are probably still there."

Once he says this he knocks on the bathroom door to see if anyone answers.

Jimin: "Yoongi?...Kookie?.."

Once he says this he gets no respond from neither Kookie and I which makes me smile softly as I'm still laying under this bed.

Jimin: "I guess they are busy.."

Hobi: "Then should we leave them alone and go back to Tae & Shelly's room?"

RM: "Yeah let's just leave them alone we don't need to make things worse between them."

Kelsey: "But shouldn't we check on our son?"

RM: "He's fine let's just go and leave them alone."

Once I hear RM say this I don't hear anything else expect the sound of the door closing.

Which tells me they are gone and Kookie and I are finally alone.

Which makes me happy because it's a tight space under this bed and I can barely breathe or move.

So as the room is finally empty with just Kookie and I here.

I say something to get Kookie's attention but things go further than I expected.

Yoongi: "Kookie?"

Kookie: "Yeah.."

Yoongi: "We can leave from under the bed now."

Kookie: "okay.."

Once he says this I grab him by his waist gently as he has his arms around my waist and I slide us out from under the bed as he is glued to me.

Now that we are no longer under the bed we are now laying on the floor beside the bed that we was just laying under.

I finally decide to let go of his waist and I get up to make sure everyone is gone so they don't see us like this.

But as I'm trying to get up Kookie still has his arms around my waist but now they are glued to me to where he won't let go.

I try my hardest to get up from his grip but as I make it to my feet he pulls me down making me land right on top of him.

The time I was in love with him now I'm married to him.Where stories live. Discover now