Part 35: Going to the Hospital (Part 10).

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~The Next Day~

[Mon. August 20th 2018]

~[The Day we get married]~


[Still] ~ Tae's Pov:

Once I say this I waste no time and I grab his hand and drag him back into the hospital and to my son's room.

~A Few Minutes Later~

Now that we are back in my son's room I see he is back from his x-ray and I also see my fiance talking to the doctor.

While I'm in my son's room I join in on the conversation and suddenly speak up.

Tae: "How did everything go?"

Doctor Hwan: "Everything went great he was calm and did everything we told him."

Tae: "Did you find anything?"

Doctor Hwan: "I haven't looked at the results yet but once I do and if I find anything I will let you know."

Tae: "Thank you."

Doctor Hwan: "Your welcome and if you need me I'll either be with other patients and if you can't get a hold of me just go up to the front desk and they will call me."

Once he says this he gives us a soft smile and leaves the room.

Now that he's no longer in the room I suddenly put my attention on my fiance.

Tae: "Baby let's go out in the hall for a minute and give these two some time to talk."

Once I say this she looks at me and suddenly speaks up.

Me: "But why? I want to stay with our son he needs me."

Tae: "He's fine let's leave them alone for a minute."

Me: "uhm okay."

Once she says this she kisses our son on his forehead and says something.

Me: "Mommy loves you sweetie I will be in the hall if you need me."

Kookie: "Okay mom but I'm sure I will be fine."

As our son says this he looks down at his hands and he doesn't say anything else.

While our son is like this I leave his room with my fiance.

So Yoongi can make things right with our son without having us watching or being in their business.

•Meanwhile with Yoongi•

Yoongi's Pov:

Once Tae leaves Kookie's room with Shelly I'm looking at Tae not knowing what to do.

Because he just left me alone with kookie like I know what to do and I'm obviously confused and have no idea what's going on.

The time I was in love with him now I'm married to him.Where stories live. Discover now