Part 30: Talking (Part 6).

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~The Next Day~

[Sun. August 19th 2018]


[Still] ~ My Pov:

Now that I'm in the shower with My Fiance I feel his hands resting on my waist and we are getting lost in each others eyes.

As I'm looking into his eyes I speak up which gets his attention.

Me: "Baby you know we can't be in here long right?"

Tae: "Why not?"

Me: "Because I have my best friend and her husband sitting on our bed waiting for us."

Tae: "Did they say what they wanted?"

Me: "No Kelsey just said she wanted to talk to us."

Tae: "Well we better get this shower done to see what they want."

Me: "Yeah we better."

Once I say this I surprise him with a kiss which makes both of us smile.

~A Few Minutes Later~

We finish our shower and finally get out and dry off and get dressed.

Now that this is all done we leave our bathroom and finally talk with Kelsey and NamJoon.

While we are talking to Kelsey and NamJoon we are sitting on our bed with them as they just look at us.

While they are looking at us I'm putting lotion on while My Fiance brushes my hair.

As he's brushing my hair I speak up getting Kelsey and NamJoon's attention.

Me: "So what is so important that had you come knock on our door and want to talk to us?"

Kelsey: "Well My Husband here wanted to know.."

As she's trying to speak she gets cut off by her husband.

NamJoon: "Okay let's just get right too it and not fool around."

Tae: "What is it NamJoon?"

NamJoon: "Are we ever going to have a guys night?"

Tae: "What?"

Me: "Are we seriously going there AGAIN!"

NamJoon: "You know?"

Me: "Yeah I know my best friend here text me earlier asking me about it."

Tae: "Baby what's going on I'm so lost?"

Me: "He's referring to your bachleor party as a guys night."

The time I was in love with him now I'm married to him.Where stories live. Discover now