Part 45: Finally Get To See Her (Part 2).

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A Few Minutes Later

As he's sitting outside waiting to hear from one of the nurses one comes outside and looks at him.

[Still] ~ Tae's Pov:

While I'm sitting here one of the nurses come out and looks at me and says something which gets my attention.

Nurse Lisa: "Mr. Taehyung you can see her now just follow me and I'll show you to her room."

Once she says this I get up from my spot and I follow her instead.

While we are inside she goes down a long hallway then makes a right then a left and she goes down another long hallway.

As I'm following her we suddenly come to a stop and we are standing in front of a sliding glass door with the curtains closed.

While I'm standing here I realize her room is the last room which is at the end of this hallway.

While this is going through my mind I look on the wall by the sliding glass door and I see there is a number on the wall with her name on it.

My Room #

#27 [Taehyung]


As I'm looking at her room number I try to remember it in case she has to stay over night and they make me leave.

While this is going through my mind I see the nurse is going into the room and it doesn't take me long to follow her.

As I'm in the room I see my wife laying in the hospital bed and she's sleeping.

While I'm looking at her the nurse says something that gets my attention.

Nurse Lisa: "She's sleeping she did just get out of surgery so you have to give her time to wake up."

Tae: "When will she wake up?"

Nurse Lisa: "In a few hours or so but she's going to be fine."

Tae: "What happened while she was in surgery did they find anything?"

Nurse Lisa: "Sweetie I'm just a nurse but the surgeon that was working on her will be in to see you to tell you everything he did and how the surgery went."

Tae: "Do you know when he's coming?"

Nurse Lisa: "He will be in very soon it will be a few minutes."

Tae: "Thank you so much."

Nurse Lisa: "Your Welcome sweetie I will let you have some time with her but I will be back with the Surgeon to check on her."

Tae: "Are you going to be her nurse while she's here?"

Nurse Lisa: "Yes sweetie all the other nurses are busy and have patients so I'm the only free nurse at the moment."

Tae: "That's good to know."

Nurse Lisa: "I'll give you some time with her now I'll be back in a few with the surgeon."

Once she says this to me I smile at her and bow to show that I'm being polite.

As I'm doing this she smiles at me then leaves the room.

Once she leaves the room I place a chair by her bed and I sit next to her as I hold her hand.

While I'm holding her hand I see she has an IV in her right hand but she also has an IV in her left hand.

Which has me wondering why she has two IV in her hands.

While this is going through my mind I quickly get up and get the nurse so I can ask her.

Because this is something I haven't seen before and I want to know if she's okay.

As this is going through my mind I get the nurse and bring her back to my wife's room.

Nurse Lisa: "What is it sweetie is everything okay?"

Tae: "Everything is fine I was just wondering why she had an IV in both of her hands?"

Nurse Lisa: "Because she was hard to stick everytime we would find a vein it would disappear. Because her veins are so tiny that they wouldn't give the blood we need to put the IV in. So before the surgeon did the surgery we had to put an IV on her so he could give her the medication in it to help her sleep through the surgery. But with her veins being so tiny it was hard to find anything. So we had to stick her twice in order to get either IVs to work in case we needed them."

A/N: The tiny veins is actually true because when I had my surgery last year (2019) they had to stick me over 20 times because my veins are so tiny they couldn't find anything.

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Tae: "That's something I didn't know about her."

Once I say this I look at my wife as I'm holding her hand.

Nurse Lisa: "Now you know sweetie but it's nothing to worry about she's going to be fine."

Once she says this she smiles at me then leaves the room again.

Now that I'm alone with my wife I sit next to her and I continue to hold her hand as I look at her sleep so peacefully.

-What will happen next?-

-Only way to know is read part 181-

Published on: Fri. May. 15th 2020 at 7:32 PM

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More updates to come it just takes time.

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The time I was in love with him now I'm married to him.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora