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Kakashi flashed away and left you standing on your spot before Naruto barged in. Without even guessing if he interrupted something, Naruto started telling Kakashi about how he walked Sakura home and that he saw Gai and Lee doing some weird exercises as training. Kakashi was already sitting on the couch again, reading his book. The silver-haired jounin didn't even look up at the blond that kept talking as if his life depended on it. You stood frozen in your spot and bit your lip as the memory of Kakashi hands on your arms captured your mind. You fantasized about Kakashi's lips pressed against yours and how his tongue would roam your mouth. How his hands would explore your body and peal of your clothes. "(y/n)-sensei?!" Naruto"s over enthusiastic voice pulled you back in the present time and you quickly shook your head to clear your mind. "What is it Naruto?" Your voice was soft and your cheeks felt warm because they were flustered. Naruto rubbed the back of his neck in an apologetic manner. "Are you okay (y/n)-sensei?" Naruto's question caught me off guard. "Of course I'm fine Naruto. Why wouldn't I be?" Kakashi walked over and put a hand of your forehead. "I think Naruto is worried because you look feverish. As am I (y/n)-chan." Kakashi hand rested against your forehead while your eyes linked. For a moment, just a moment, you forgot that you were standing in your living room, with Naruto blabbing to you nearby and your broken back. For a moment you wanted Kakashi to lean in and kiss you like there is no tomorrow but the moment quickly subsided and you stepped back. "I'm fine guys. Just tired."

You saw the flash of confusion in Kakashi's eye before he gave you a smile behind the mask. "Then you should rest for a bit (y/n)-chan." Kakashi guided you towards the couch and helped you to take a seat. His fingers lingered a bit longer than necessary against yours before he walked over to his original spot on the other side of the couch and grabbing his book from his pouch again.

(readers pov) You weren't sure if you were relieved or annoyed by Naruto barging in. But you did know that your back started to hurt more as the day proceeded. Let's just say that Naruto was a bit clumsy. Every time you were dosing of, he knocked something over. The sound of something falling on the ground made you jump off. Something your back wasn't liking. And neither did you. You were hurting and tired and wanted to take a nap. If only for an hour so you could relax your aching body and stop fantasizing about Kakashi and what he could do with your body. When Naruto knocked something over for the 15th time, Kakashi also had enough of the clumsy knucklehead. "Naruto, why don't you go home for now? It's getting late and I will stay with (y/n)-chan". Kakashi's voice was low and the annoyance was clearly audible in his voice, except of course for Naruto. Naruto simply looked up to his sensei, rubbing the back of his head in the process. He had promised Sakura that he would stay with you and he didn't want to break his promise. "No, you go home Kakashi-sensei, I will stay with (y/n)-sensei!" Naruto gave a toothy smile and a thumbs up towards Kakashi, leaving you to facepalm in your mind. This kid sure is something.

You wanted them both out. Naruto because he was demolishing your house unintentionally and Kakashi because you needed to think about what happened. "You can both go home, I will be fine."

You tried to sound bossy but to your amazement, both Kakashi and Naruto started laughing. Their laughs were loud and you even saw Naruto bend over and lean on his knees with his hands. It took both the knucklehead as the copycat a few minutes before Naruto found his voice again. "Yeah, right (y/n)-sensei. We're here to keep you safe! Besides that, you can't even take off your own pants!" As soon as Naruto spoke the words the three of you turned a crimson shade of red. The laughter of Kakashi and Naruto died down at the same speed as it had started. Naruto gaped out of the window, suddenly preoccupied with something that was going on outside. Kakashi grabbed his noise through his mask and mumbled an apology while making is way over to the bathroom really quickly and locking the door behind him. Realizing the boy was right you let your head hang and stared at the floor of your house. You decided then and there that you really, really, really hated the Akatsuki.

Love in the leaves [Kakashi X Reader X Itachi]Where stories live. Discover now