9.) Say What?

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March 2016 (Therapy)

"You nervous?" King asked Renae as they sat outside her therapist door waiting on her session.

"What if she can't relate to me?" She asked looking at him.

After doing some deep talking and spending more time in Church, King and Bryson suggested that Renae speak with a professional about her problems.

So here they were, 4 months later waiting for her first session.

"The lady at da front desk said she's one of the best in da city." He reminded.

"What if she's not for ME though?"

"Just give her a chance." He spoke just as the door opened and a black lady and her son walked out.

King and Renae stood up and she looked down nervously.

"I can't do it." She mumbled on the verge of tears.

"I'm right here with you baybeh." He promised cupping her face.

"I can't..." she cried shaking her head.

"I don't want to."

Pulling her into him, King spoke to her lowly as he rubbed her back.

"Renae?" The woman called stepping outside.

Recognizing that voice, Renae wiped her face and looked up at King before she turned around and met eyes with Tish.

"Look at you, come here." She spoke opening her arms, King looked at Renae then at Tish.

"I know her."


"So you are King?" Tish asked once they got situated inside her room.

"Yeah, she spoke about me?" He asked shocked and Tish laughed.

"She gave me a very vivid visual of you and told me that she was awfully rude to you."

Chuckling, King nodded.

"I didn't know you had like your own office." Renae spoke getting comfortable on the sofa.

"Yup, I try to do business outside of the building though to those who may not be able to afford it." Tish replied.

"So tell me what made you come here? You fell back in that dark place?" She asked leaning into her chair.

"I never left it." Renae revealed and Tish rose a brow.

"You were fine during our last talk."

"I was faking... I just wanted to get out." She informed, glancing over at King, Tish leaned forward and stared at her.

"What happened in there Nae?"

Taking a deep breath, Renae rubbed her arm slowly as she stared at the carpet.

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