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February 4th (DJ's bday)

"Hello?" Dajon spoke answering Renae's call. "Happy birthday to ya! Happy birthday to ya! Happy birrrthday! Happy birthday to ya! HAPPY BIRTHDAYYYYY!" She sang and he chuckled walking out the DMV building.

"Been dodging my calls but remembered my birthday? Who are you?" He chuckled sitting on the nearby bench waiting on Bryson to come pick him up.

"I know... I've been trying to figure some things out, but how are you? Got any plans since you're legal?" She asked.

"Nah, don't wanna do nothing until Keenan get back." He answered and she furrowed her brows.


"What you mean back? Where'd he go?" She asked.

"You ain't get none of my messages? He got locked up. His court date next month." He informed and the line grew quiet.

"I reseted my phone... I don't have any messages... what did he do?"

"Caught with a robbery and assault charge." He replied and she sighed.

"What the fuck...."

"What was he doing with ro- never mind don't even say anything else. We'll talk in person. How's school?"

"Ready for it to be over, but it's been good. One of my teachers had resigned." He told her.


"Being prejudiced and wasn't trying to change my grade on my research paper I did on Dr. King. When I included some facts about the doctor being the one who killed him she said it wasn't true." He answered and she laughed.

"She must be stuck in the dark ages. That information is all over the internet with facts and creditable sources to back it up. Just like Columbus never founded America but of course the masses took that lie and ran with it. Let's not mention how this land wasn't even theirs to begin with but they stole it. But hey, I'm just a little black girl with no knowledge of brown history."

Chuckling, Dajon shook his head smiling.

He knew she would get to preaching once she heard about that.

Especially since she was the one who taught him how to study African history.

"What did dad say about it?" She asked.

"He and Auntie ain't take it lightly and Auntie had a few choice words to say about Mrs. J. I swear I saw her crying in the hall." He stated.

"Good, maybe this little off time will make her read up on brown history and not just what they want us to know."

Agreeing, Dajon stood up when Bryson pulled up on the side.

"Oh yeah and I passed my drivers test." He announced as he got inside the car.

Bryson and Renae both shouted for joy.

"Next stop, car shopping."

"That's old man?" She asked and Dajon laughed removing the phone from his ear and went ahead and FaceTime her.

"Well look what the wind conjured up. Hello there Zuri." Bryson spoke putting the car in park and she smiled softly.

"Hey old man, how are you?" She greeted.

"Well, let's see. My daughter has been back from vacation almost a week now and hasn't called her favorite guy. I think I'm pretty sad." He told her and she pouted.

"I'm sorry, I'll be up there this weekend. I wanted to do something with DJ." She announced and Dajon leaned over causing Bryson to laugh.

"What we doing?" He asked and she giggled.

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