14|Jorbyn|His Daughter

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Type: fLoOfY aS fUcK
Requested: nuuupe
Warning: sWeArInG, dRiNkInG
Extra: I'm a character in this hehehe


Her fingers glided through the long, blonde hair. As she watched herself, a man appeared behind her.

"Hey, babe." He spoke gently and she smiled.

"Hey, dad." She said back and turned around.

"I'm sorry about the fight. If you want-"

"No, I'm not leaving you. Not now, not ever." She replied and the man smiled weakly. She hugged the taller and he hugged back. "It'll be okay, dad."

"I know, baby girl. It'll just take some time."

That was two years ago. Piper is now 13 while Jonah is 34.

Piper skipped down the stairs and soon spotted her father hunched over the counter.

"Dad? Is...Is everything okay?" Jonah looked up and quickly wiped his tears.


"No. Don't lie to me, dad." Piper stepped closer and stood next to him. He sniffled and passed the court papers to her. She looked them over and then gasped.

"She can't! I should have a choice!" Piper cried and looked back at Jonah.

"I'm sorry, babygirl. I tried so hard, but her-her lawyers-" Jonah let out an sob and Piper pulled him into a hug. He wrapped his arms tight around her waist.

"I can't lose you, Piper. I-I don't know what I'll do when you're gone." Jonah friend and Piper shed a few of her own tears.

"Where...Where does she live?" Piper asked and Jonah lifted his head.


"But that's so far!" She wailed and then more tears fell. Jonah wiped the tears from her cheeks and pulled her into his chest.

"It'll be okay, babygirl. I'll see you over the summer."

"But I can't! I-I-I can't leave home!" She cried and clutched onto Jonah.

"I am so sorry, babygirl. I wish it wasn't this way."

Jonah kissed Piper's head as they stood at the airport. Tatum walked up and smiled her fake smile at them both.

"Hey, babe." She said to Piper.

"Hey, b-Tate." Piper corrected herself. Tate smiles and looked up.



"So, I promise, L.A. will be great for you." Tate said to Piper. "Goodbye, Jonah." She said and they started off. Piper turned around and placed her bags on the ground before running to Jonah. She jumped up and hugged him tight.

"I love you, dad. Stay strong."

"I love you too, babygirl. Stay social, little social butterfly." Piper chuckled through her tears and Jonah set the girl down.

"Bye, dad."

"Bye, babygirl." Piper pecked his cheek before turning and running back to Tate. Jonah watched them disappear before turning himself and heading back home.

[Time Skip brought to you by my tears for Don't Change :)]

Jonah downed another shot of Vodka and placed the glass cup down. He stared at the wooden bar.

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